
First Pres Picnic & Egg Hunt

It has been such a joy this Easter season to remind our little ones the real meaning of Easter. And while they might not be able to truly comprehend what it means in their hearts, they for sure can verbalize the Easter story and what took place on the cross. What a privilege to be a part of teaching these two what it meant when Jesus went to the cross on our behalf. And to begin to see their hearts process this information and be even somewhat sensitive and even saddened over His death on the cross. We praise Him for enabling us to plant these truths in their hearts and we pray that they take root and grow over the coming days and months ahead. And an even greater joy is proclaiming to them that the story doesn't end there. That Jesus is not dead, but He is alive! Oh that Kendall and I's hearts would possess the same kind of joy that their childlike faith has when hearing that news! 
They know that Easter egg hunts and dying eggs are not what Easter is about, although they definitely have enjoyed them! This is the first year that they have understood the concept of an egg hunt and truly been able to participate! And as a family, we thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship and community with our friends from First Pres as we gathered for a picnic! The Lord has been so gracious in providing families to live life with during this new season for us!
These big 3 year olds definitely understood the whole "there's candy inside an egg" this year for sure! They were a tad hesitant to get started with so much commotion and kiddos running in every which direction but it didn't take them long to join in this year!
These precious girls are truly best friends! They literally do everything together and seem to be "lost" without one another. We sing praises to the One who has given each of them life and we will sing even greater praises Lord willing when He gives them NEW life in Him!

And let us not forget this adorable girl! We couldn't ask for any more joy from this sweet one! She blesses us immeasurably! One day baby girl, you'll be right there with your older sisters running around! (Lord willing!) Until then, you stay just as sweet and content chillin' in your stroller for us!
Easter is coming!

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