
Blowing Out Candles Time! A party for these two...and Celebrating their Precious Lives on April 2nd!

Excited little THREE year olds with their sprinkled, whipped cream #3 pancakes to kick off their special day! =) Do notice the difference in the final product of the decorating of the pancakes. Exhibit A-sprinkles dumped immediately and in no pattern whatsoever & Exhibit B-strategically placing her sprinkles in an organized fashion...this is a perfect representation of their vastly different personalities! And we love celebrating the differences in these two precious girls!

Managed to squeeze in this fun breakfast and still make it to Bible Study by 9am! It's always quite a feat getting out the door on time on days with no special occasions to acknowledge so I'll add this day on my mommy resume! =) They love going to "church school" so it worked out great that it fell on their actual birthday and would give them an extra outing before their party that afternoon!

Passed out and had to wake them up to make it to their party in time! A rare occurrence to have to "wake" them up from their nap-of course it would happen on a day where we were under time constraints. Maddie Grace had to practically be dragged out of bed and Makenzie, believe it or not, said she wasn't done sleeping yet. (GASP! =) But we made it in just enough time to get everything set up!

So as a mommy with lots of young ones and having just gotten settled into a new town and a new house with a new baby, I had resigned myself to the fact that we would just do a little celebrating with family this year and call it a day. After all, we had done an all out bash for their 1st and 2nd birthdays! I felt ok in my mommy guilt mind to skip a year. =) And then as it got closer, the girls began talking more and more about their "birfday" and "candles" so I decided we would just do a tiny little party in the back yard with the hopes that a few friends could come. And then that grew a tad bigger than planned so we moved the party idea to Felton Little Park. And about a week before the party, every single sweet family we invited was gracious enough to take time out of their busy schedules and lives and bless our sweet little girls by coming to celebrate the twinsies! (side note: We continue to be blessed and humbled by the sacrificial love from our church body here but we'll save that for another post on another day!) Once I counted up the numbers for the party the teacher/creative side of me decided to take the plunge again and even if it was simple to make it fun for the twins! So we settled on a Dora theme and made Backpack invitations for their friends (and they LOVED passing them out!), came up with some snacks that fit our Dora theme, and then simply enjoyed time at the park with cupcakes, sunshine, and friends! What more could three year olds want!? =) Nothing! And they haven't stopped talking about their party since...and all their "friends..." So thank you to all of our sweet, dear friends that made our girls day super special! We're so grateful to God for providing new friendships here in Auburn!

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