
1st Trip to the Dentist X 2

Well it was finally time to dive in head first with this whole taking twins to the dentist thing. We've been putting it off, justifying ourselves by saying they still don't have all their teeth in. But now that we are about to move, we figured it would be best to go ahead and take care of this before our life becomes even more unsettled. =) I'll be honest and say I was just a wee bit nervous about taking two toddlers to the dentist without help. But what choice did I have? It needed to be done, daddy couldn't get off work, and we needed to have those pearly whites looked at. Thankfully they sent all the paperwork to me ahead of time to fill out-I'll just go ahead and say having to fill out tons of paperwork with wiggly, squirming, wanting to be entertained babies is not much fun and rather difficult to get done. So all of that was done ahead of time, thank the Lord! We arrived right on time for our appointment at 9:30am and the girls wasted no time finding this area...toy rooms have a way of attracting little ones...imagine that!

We hardly had to wait at all before they called the girls back and can I just say WOW from the beginning. The staff was incredible with the girls-soo sweet and kind, warm and friendly, fantastic with little ones and made our girls feel at ease in no time. Can't say enough about how great of an experience it was for all 3 of us! So they first let the girls get comfortable being in a new, semi-scary place by digging through the toothbrush drawer. If only I had the ability to make them that happy, ha! And I'm confident that is what sealed the deal for the girls happiness there! =) 

From there, they let the girls plop down in the chair together holding their multiple toothbrushes as a comfort and while Makenzie looked a little uneasy, as soon as Maddie Grace joined her up there, she was fine. Each hygienist talked to them, made them laugh, let them pick out their flavor of toothpaste, and then convinced both of them to open their mouth while they brushed their teeth. And they did! Unbelievable to watch the girls let them brush away and then inspect their mouths while they let them do it willingly. =) Needless to say, they were quite impressed to see such cooperative children. I reassured them that they would find out otherwise as soon as they made a stop by our house! 

I now breathe a sign of relief, a huge one at that, that the girls survived their 1st trip to the dentist. I wasn't sure if we would leave their mortified from all their kicking and screaming or what, but I am thankful to report it was the most pleasant dental experience to date and I hope I adequately praised the girls enough for their impeccably perfect behavior while we were there. =)

and of course, we had to snap the obligatory picture with their dentist-this is a milestone of course!
And the final highlight of the experience was putting their coin in the machine and twisting it to find their new treasure :) Took them no time at all to figure out how this worked and they loved it! Dentist Trip #1 was finally complete!


A Little Currie Love...

Well this Valentine's Day may not have ended quite like we imagined, but it sure did start off just like any ordinary day for the Currie family...greeted early in the morning by two toddlers requesting to get "down" from their cribs. We tried to make the day a little extra special for them, knowing the only memory they may have of this day in the years to come will be what is documented on this blog. =) Alas, we continued last year's tradition of heart pancakes, & this year we threw in some blueberries to the mix and some help from the girls! Hard to believe they are old enough to help stir the batter and pour it onto the griddle! Where did my little preemies go?! At least I knew my finicky eaters would gobble up pancakes...=)

Following breakfast, we loaded up and headed to Wee Flip with a few of their friends. Again...they won't remember, but this has been one of their favorite places to go at this stage of their lives. They are free to run around, jump, play in the balls, swing, climb, walk across the balance beam, ride the roller coaster, and just do what toddlers do best! A quick lunch in the car and then down for naps! Mommy was greatly anticipating Daddy's arrival at home so they could partake in their 2nd annual candlelight dinner with daddy!

They made a beeline for the gate as soon as they heard the garage going up! Such a special night for our girls to experience the love their daddy has for them modeled in such a tangible way. Last year, they dined on baby food and some puffs, but this year per their daddy's request, it was fish sticks, mac n cheese, some broccoli & raspberries! Gourmet dinner, right? We figured we'd leave room for improvement in the years to come...but really this candelight dinner tradition has become my favorite part about Valentine's Day & I hope one day it will be theirs as well...

After dinner, we had baked a big chocolate chip heart cookie cake and we thought we'd let the girls add the icing and sprinkles to it. Freedom to be kids and make a big mess! Sometimes hard for this neat freak mom to let these things take place but I'm always so grateful for the many smiles and squeals of delight! 
Well, much fun was being had when all of the sudden...Makenzie began projectile vomiting =)
Which would explain why she was inconsolable at dinnertime...
Let's just say that wrapped up our family Valentine's Day as Kendall and I just smiled and laughed....thinking that this is real life! As for the two of us...we plan to celebrate Valentines and every holiday after for the next year on our trip to the Maldives in May...and we can't wait to have that time together! And as for the girls...well they are now nicely showered and Makenzie's sweet sister is ensuring she stays well hydrated before bedtime! =) Happy Valentine's Day sweet daughters! We love you both so much!
(and yes, those are indeed Christmas pj's...=)


Changing More Everyday....22 Months!

Mak-24lbs & 32 in; MG-26.8lbs & 32 ¼ in
Diapers: Mak- still finishing up size 3; MG- size 4
Clothes: Mak- both 12 & 18 mo; MG- 18 mo
Shoes: Mak: size 3/4; MG: size 4 ½ /5
Teeth count: Mak: 12; MG: 12 *Molars coming in are no fun!*
What new things you girls have done this month!? (from 21-22mo)
-Words Maddie Grace says on her own: bye bye, uh-oh, Mommy, Daddy, nigh nigh, hi/hey, up, down, boom, boo, baby, ball, that (all day long!!!), whoa, bubbles, dog, yummy, baby, ohhh, no, me, what’s that, “right there,” eyes, ball, out, milk, more, book, rock, sissy, home, bubbles, Mimi, Nana, rag, yellow, mickey, unbuckle, thanks, oh-no!, happy, sock, shoes, turtle, go, fish, all done, bow, whee, hot, brr, poo poo, see-ya, happy
-Words Makenzie says on her own: bye bye, uh-oh, mama, dada, nigh nigh, hi, up, down, boom, boo boo, baby, ball, that, whoa, bubbles, no, out, milk, more, book, rock, sissy, bubbles, Mimi, Nana, rag, yellow, mickey, unbuckle, thanks, oh-no!, yummy, happy, sock, shoes, turtle, go, fish, all done, bow, help me, whee, hot, brr, poo poo, see-ya, happy
-both will repeat almost anything you ask them to say-colors, objects, animals, etc.
-both said their first two word phrase: Mak-help me! MG-Oh no!
-MG loves us to sing her little bunny foo foo song to her & inch it up her body/play peek-a-boo with it at bedtime, naptime, or any other time
-MG loves to copy any acrobatic or risky moves Makenzie might try J
-they imitate one another and will both copy the other one (esp when it’s something silly)
-when cuddling in the rocking chair, Maddie Grace likes to face forward with thumb in and bunny ear to nose in the “perfect” spot; Mak likes to put her tummy to my chest and get all snuggly
-have started to try to “hide” while pooping and when asked if pooping will deny it until mommy says “say yes!”
-one of their favorite things to do is to buckle the straps in their high chair and stroller
-favorite toys: babies/strollers, table & chairs-pretending to eat with their dishes & play food, grocery carts/food
-learned to “float” in the bathtub and lay on their tummy & love to swim like “fish!”
-anytime they hear the trash truck in the back they run to our window to be picked up!
-keenly aware of airplanes and trains
-greatly enjoy putting on lotion after bath time and will reach up with their little hands cupped and say more! Also, love the baby q-tips!
-they love hiding from each other or mommy/daddy and popping out to say boo!
-first thing in the morning they point to the TV and say on for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! They absolutely LOVE it so now we watch Mickey during breakfast every day J
-can now “reason” with Makenzie when discussing behavior, eating, etc J
-MG is still super duper cautious and will hold onto the wall/rails for dear life when stepping down whereas Makenzie is like a little bulldozer and has not an ounce of fear!
-Makenzie screams in the car just about everywhere we go still, not the entire way but most of the way and always asks for a book to look at =)
-they definitely fight like sisters but they sure do love each other even more!
-still love, love, love animals and going to the zoo is definitely a wonderful experience for them
-they try to help one another if one is crying or hurt or sat which is precious! Will deliver the others paci/blankie/cup of milk, etc to try to fix the problem!
-they have begun to copy and imitate exactly what the other one is doing-especially being silly-if one puts the fork upside down and hanging out of their mouth, the other copies or at bedtime they start bobbing their head side to side while giggling incessantly and the other begins to copy=hysterical!
-have full conversations on their play phones still and then will say bye bye and slam the phone down
-love having everything ON-lights, tv, music, candle while eating, etc
-they love to have bites of my breakfast each morning (mostly cereal)
-they say too too for me too
-both girls LOVE cleaning, but MG especially likes things to be clean so she will wipe down anything and everything and especially hates having anything dirty on her hands or her cup
-1st bubble bath and loved it after they warmed up to the idea of bubbles all over their hands and bodies
-both will say I LOVE YOU! Music to our ears!
-they LOVE when they get to play their games on the IPAD and can manage it quite well believe it or not!
-favorite new activity this past week: dressing/undressing all day long and putting on many layers of clothes J
-love their new climber/slide
-started doing “dessert” at some mealtimes, works great to get them to eat vegetables/meat J
-when playing with their babies, they like to do real things with them-feed them, clip their nails/toenails, change their diapers with real diapers and wipes and put on diaper cream J
-have started crying some when left in nursery but not for long thankfully!
-Makenzie can still be a very difficult eater but sometimes if you offer her food to MG she will then decide to eat all of hers, ha!
-they love mommy playing with them all day long-surprise, surprise!
-say “Ewwww~!” when getting their diaper changed or when they see sissy getting a diaper change
-possessive over lap time with mommy and daddy and like undivided attention
-Makenzie likes to sleep with 2 pacis-one in and one on her finger-rather precious!
-new love for singing and ask to read the books that involve songs!
-enjoy being outside a whole lot and playing at the park-such a challenge with two going down huge slides and trying to protect both of them!
-both girls immediately say daddy whenever they hear the garage and will wait at the gate or run to it when they hear/see him!
-enjoy learning activities that mommy has made/coloring with markers/crayons
-have a hard time when they don’t get their way-lots of squealing which has made for lots of consistent discipline =(
-MG is meticulous and will straighten things up like blankets or make things neat! She also pays attention to detail and loves to stack her blocks by color already
-MG loves to wave and say hi to everyone when we are out and about and she loves when she gets a response! J
-Both of you got tubes on January 25th and we are so praying that this eliminates anymore ear infections which have been plentiful!

-finally taking just one nap a day-usually right after lunch between 12:30/1ish and you both will sleep 2-3 hours!