
Finish on the 50!

As parents of three children under the age of 3 for a while, not much time exists for ANYTHING other than caring for the basic needs of three that require help from mommy and daddy to do just about everything. And we are honored and blessed to have the privilege to do it. It just leaves little, I mean very little time for hobbies or things apart from kids, and exercise, what's that? So Kendall decided the only way he was going to be able to "slip" away and get his heart rate up a little was to find a way to take some kids with him. Insert double bob jogging stroller purchase. Hands down an awesome purchase so far...just 3 years too late =) What a sweet, servant-hearted husband to give mommy a small break and take the twins with him to go running. A win/win for everything. Daddy gets exercise. Twins get time with Daddy after work. Daddy gets to be outside. Mommy gets to take care of Ashton Kate and give her some attention and attempt to get some dinner on the table without all the distractions. So just a few weeks into his new exercise routine of running with the girls several times a week all over campus, he decided to dive head first into the running world and run his first race. This is where the Finish on the 50 race comes into play. Kendall got himself (and the girls too) registered to run his first 5K and this particular race through Auburn's campus ends up in the stadium on the 50 yard line. Proud wife to see him come running through the tunnel pushing a double stroller. Impressive...and not something I could ever do. But I admire his hard work and discipline over the past few weeks! And what's the best way to celebrate such an accomplishment? A family breakfast of pancakes at IHOP of course. =) Fun family memories!!

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