
Easter 2015...He is ALIVE!

Celebrating holidays with children in the mix adds a whole different level of experience to the occasion. =) Hence, the picture below pretty well sums up her feelings for any furry creature, dressed up in a costume...doesn't matter if it's Santa, the CFA cow, Easter bunny...scared of them all. And while the twins will stand there, their hesitancy and chomping on fingers displays their true feelings, ha!
This year was so much fun because this little peanut was finally walking and able to collect her own eggs and participate in her first real egg hunt! And I mean I could eat up this edible little girl right now! =)
Ashton Kate wasn't winning any awards for most eggs collected by any stretch but she loved the fact that there was something inside and she was able to open it! =)
The twins this year were on a mission-they have always remained rather reserved in these scenarios in the past but I'm thinking the fact that they are now big four year olds, coupled with the fact that they are with cousins and not a whole herd of people,gave them the extra confidence boost needed to enjoy it! =)
Checking out all her goodies!
Thankful for these three and that God's grace covers over all their sins...and their mama's! Because He has conquered sin and death, we have life and hope. And I couldn't be more thankful for that truth and that I can share this same hope with these three daily! It makes all the difference in how we live and face each day...
Sweet cousins! And SO fun being the same ages as one another!
We understand...self control is hard children. =)
A little egg-dying fun...in their undies-enjoying that freedom for a little longer!
These three are three peas in a pod and love being together!
Easter morning is the epitome of hope and grace and gives us every reason to rejoice! They are beginning to understand the concept of Jesus' death and resurrection, but what joy when they fully comprehend that their debt has been paid, their sins are forgiven, their hope is secure, and eternal life awaits if they place their faith and trust in HIM alone! Oh how as parents we long for that day and pray for their salvation!
Sunday afternoon fun....
One day you won't be this little...and it's happening faster than we would like sweet pea!
On the hunt for their Easter baskets...
The combination of five toddlers and it being nap time makes for difficult photos, ha! But they are all present and accounted for. =)
Happy Easter sweet girls!
Oh death, where is your sting? Oh hell, where is your victory? Oh church, come stand in the light. The glory of God has defeated the night!
Thank you for the cross....He is alive!

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