
And just like that she is 18 months old! (AK update)

Height: 31.8inches
Weight: 24lbs 12oz
Clothes: 18 months
Shoes: size 3 in sea wee sandals; 4 in Keds
Teeth: 12
Ashton Kate,
We have held you a little tighter this month and cherished every little thing you do after your big fall down the stairs a few weeks ago. Such a scary night and we are ever so grateful for the Lord’s protection over your precious life! We have wanted to hold you night and day and not let you out of our sight (as if we have any control over your sweet life=) We do know who holds you in HIS hands and who has every precious day of your life numbered. This has surely tested our faith and made us that much more dependent on Him. We are just stewards of the days here on earth with you and oh how we want them to be used for good, for the spread of His kingdom and for His glory! We have big dreams and hopes for how the Lord will use your sweet life for His grand purposes! We couldn’t be more thankful for the joy you bring to our family! The love we have for you runs so deep little one and we love you dearly!
Love, Mama and Dada
Milestone and Memories from 17-18 months:
-You are still an amazing little sleeper for us. We can go to bed with confidence that apart from something out of the ordinary we will see you the next morning without hearing a peep out of you. We never knew what a huge blessing this was until it arrived to us =) You sleep around 11-12hrs at night and nap anywhere from 2-3 hours right after lunch around 12:30/1pm every day.
-This month has been your pickiest month to date and has made feeding you a challenge. You just stack everything I give you into one big pile on your tray and refuse it. However, like all things, praying it’s just a phase and normal eating will resume at some point. Here are the few things you will still willingly put in your mouth these days… raspberries, mandarin oranges, hot dogs, pbj, muffins, yogurt, and cheese
-You are talking, talking, talking up a storm!! And boy is it fun to try to figure out what you are adamantly trying to communicate to us. Such a fun stage of new words every day! You are like a little parrot these days repeating just about everything we say and attempting to say it on your own.  You also are already putting two words together and often can be heard saying these two-word phrases-simply amazes us how quickly you transition into a little girl. Just a few of the new words you have added to your list lately: outside, hot/cold, let's go, buckle/unbuckle/, baby, mama, dada, hey! nigh nigh, go, stop, here we go, love you, and of course learned the infamous word "no" right at 18 months
-Still love, love reading books and will still come back your little bottom into anyone’s lap who offers to read you a book. You are pointing to things correctly in a book now and can spot the right object/animal 90% of the time.
-Things you are doing these days: practically running now! Can put puzzle pieces in the correct spot, spend the majority of your time playing with babies just like your twins sissies, love to help clean with Clorox wipes, follow everyone to the bathroom and help give toilet paper to them and love to unroll the toilet paper too, obsessed with buckling/unbuckling high chair and doll strollers, when you need help you come tug on our legs and drag us to where you need us to help, you get super excited when daddy comes home and go running to him with a hufe smile, you give huge hugs from behind and die laughing when you do it, you are easily frustrated and let us know on a regular basis, you hate being left out from going somewhere or doing something and cry big crocodile tears, and you love any and all shoes with a passion!
-Important dates this month: 4/7-first cookie at Publix; 4/14-1st dentist appointment; 4/15-fell down an entire flight of stairs/first big scare and suffered a concussion; 4/18-first Auburn football game; 4/22-said “love you” for the first time; 4/27- said “baby”

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