
Ashton Kate: 17 months and counting...

Weight: just over 24 pounds
Clothes: wearing mostly 18mo but some 12mo still as well!
Shoes: size 3 in sea wee sandals; 4 in Keds
Teeth: 10 with 1 more molar coming in
I’m not sure why that is your name these days because you are simply a wee one still, but alas that has become your new nickname and fits you to a T. You are fiercely independent and make that known to anyone you encounter. You think you are big enough to do anything , big enough to eat anything, and big enough to handle it yourself. Right up until the point where you need help. =) I had forgotten that this stage fits the age…now the memories of your twin sisters are flooding back in. But with this age also comes the indescribable JOY from all the cuteness you exude on a daily basis. You are simply adorable! We absolutely love watching you learn so much each day, try to speak so many new words, test out new territory, be adventurous, live such a FULL life, and giggle with delight! It’s seriously THE CUTEST so we are trying to soak up each day of it! ON the flip side, it is SO bittersweet to see our teensy tiny baby of the family turning into a little toddler with a real personality! You do way more little girl things than baby things these days and we could tear up at just how fast the months have flown by. We CANNOT wait until you begin to understand the things of God. Your big sisters have such a huger to learn and know more of His word and you aren’t quite there yet but one day soon you will be! Until then, we will keep sitting you down in the mornings for “worship time” and let you bang away on your instrument and try to “sing” like your sisters! You imitate everything they do that’s for sure! =) Goodness, we couldn't love you more if we tried. And we praise God for the sweet gift of your life that you are-feisty or not. =)
Love you so much baby girl!
Mommy & Daddy
Milestone and Memories from 16-17mo:
-Still our best sleeper in the family (maybe besides daddy! =) and we could not be more thankful for that gift to us on a regular nightly basis!
-As far as eating goes, we have officially entered the “I now have an opinion about what I eat” phase…you certainly know when the pantry doors open and you aren’t about to get what you want. The rest of the neighborhood might be aware too, who knows? J You have definite opinions now and although you are still a pretty good eater, and far better than the twins ever were, but vegetables are next to impossible to get in you now unless its back to pureed form in a squeeze pack…so that’s precisely what we do and I’m totally fine doing it. You love most fruits still and surprisingly you eat meat pretty well. You also love yogurt, applesauce, and cheese so those are natural go to’s every day! You discovered the art of dipping things and so now you will eat most chicken, meatballs, hamburgers, hotdogs, lunchmeat well just so long as you can “dip” it. We held out for as long as we could before you saw your big sisters doing it! When you are done eating you still stack it up for us on the counter beside your high chair or put it all in a pile in the corner of your tray…how sweet of you! =) And the best food in your eyes is any bites from what mommy is eating, most specifically cereal. You walk around like a bird with your mouth open waiting for your next bite. Pretty cute! And then no lie, one of the funniest things this month has been watching you yell MA, MA, MA from your high chair to get my attention. It is loud I’m telling you! You will do it when you want more or when you want to be done but it is hilarious and so loud no one can talk over you. =)
-Your happiest place on earth is still to be OUTSIDE…it’s so crazy but you yearn to be out there all day every day. It’s almost like we have a little boy on our hands…the twins were never this into going outside at this age! You bang on the door to be let outside in the back yard about a minute after you finish breakfast. Later on, you cry buckets of tears when we have to come in and even more tears if we pass the laundry room door to the garage or the front door and you aren’t taken outside. It’s quite hilarious to watch and sad all at the same time, but you are literally devastated if you have to stay in. So all that to say, you LOVE LOVE being outside and wandering free! You love walks, playing in the cul-de-sac, going down the slide, the sandbox, and playing in the house.
-Words you have added to your vocabulary this month: unbuckle/buckle (need to get this recorded it’s so stinkin’ cute!) plus it’s probably your most used word other than mama and now you added these mid-month: let’s go & here we go (3/18), gone gone, all gone, all done, down, out, and lots of others I’m forgetting. Bottom line: your little vocabulary is at the stage where it’s just exploding and so much fun! You follow all kinds of simple commands and directions and seem to understand everything we say to you-praise the Lord!
-Things you are doing these days: attempting to be fiercely independent! You also no longer are content being carried around or put in the Ergo-you want to be down to walk, explore, push elevator buttons, run, and chase your sisters. You love to play hide and seek and chase (although it is a mix between squeals of being afraid and squeals of delight!) and you also will squat low and peer around the corner when looking which is quite adorable! You’re not very good of sharing (to be expected) but you are exceptionally terrible at stealing toys from your sisters or screaming so loud until they give in and give it to you! We’re working on this each day =) You love to scurry behind things to hide from us and think it’s just hilarious (esp the rocker in your room and the leather chair in the den); when walking up sets of stairs, you will reach your hand up for us to hold, when you are hurt-you lean in for kisses from us! You still cry big crocodile tears when we drop you off in the nursery-like the kind where we have to make sure you don’t turn blue and you take a breath to breathe!  A really cute thing you’ve started doing when walking is to put your hands on your thighs or slightly behind you and walk quickly like you’re on a mission-it’s so cute! You have learned most of your body parts this month, give high fives to people, shake your emphatically yes or no, and are the queen of giving the best hugs and kisses when your sisters are sad! You love to try to make them feel better by giving them affection! It usually does the trick!

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