
Christmas Memories...

Tis the season to be Jolly...and boy have we attempted to savor and make as many fun memories as possible in a short amount of time! The girls sure have had fun and mommy and daddy have enjoyed seeing their sweet little faces light up with delight! Of course the desire of our hearts is to make Jesus central in all that we do this Christmas season. 

The girls love their storytime with Ms. Eve at Emmet O'Neal each week immensely and to wrap up the end of the year, they had a Christmas Party, complete with Mrs. Claus arriving for some pictures. They had a ball doing the Reindeer Hokey Pokey, eating marshmallows for their snack, singing Christmas songs, and of course doing the bean bag dance and the bubble parachute! Such a fun, and free might I add, way to spend our Wednesday morning!

Not so sure about their "red" Rudolph noses!

My big girls putting their bean bags back in the bucket!

Not a fan of Santa and clearly not fond of Mrs. Claus either =) But they were willing to converse with her from a distance in order to receive their candy cane!

Makenzie & Maddie Grace LOVE any type of puzzle and have gotten quite good at them with all the practice we've had at home!

We enjoyed going with some dear friends from our new small group to the McWane Center and especially enjoyed their Winter Wonderland setup they have going on right now. It's been fun to see the girls become friends with Miles & Maddie and they know exactly who they are whenever we see them now! The highlights from our time there this time were exploring the many trains they have setup for the kids to watch, playing in the "snow," and riding the choo choo train!

First train ride, mommy tagged along. Then I almost teared up as they rode the train by themselves like big girls the second time around! They can't possibly be old enough to do such a thing!

As a family, we bundled up and headed to the Birmingham Zoo for Zoolight Safari, which the girls absolutely loved! They kept saying whoa to all the colorful lights and this year they really enjoyed riding the train and looking at the lights with mommy and daddy. Still weren't too sure about Santa making an appearance on the train ride, but they survived by holding on tight to mommy & daddy. They also LOVED walking independently through the petting zoo area and their constant animal noises sure did bring a smile to our faces. It is such fun to see them enjoying things at this age! What a difference a year makes!

We loved our family "Christmas Movie Night" that was full of pj's, cuddles, and bowlfuls of yogurt melts and marshmallows. We watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and they actually managed to sit nestled between the two of us for a full 18 minutes. Maybe they would have sat longer had we allowed them to have  their 5th bowl of snacks! =)

And finally, our last little outing/memory was a trip to the ice cream shop and a drive around our neighborhood to see Christmas lights! The girls ate every last drop of their strawberry ice cream and were bouncing off the walls for the rest of the evening. They thought they were "big stuff' being able to get out of their car seats to view the Christmas lights! They were precious as they continuously said WOW....each time we came to a new house! Such sweet memories that we will cherish!

There were plenty of things that we didn't cross off our Christmas Fun to-do list, but I am so thankful for the things we did make happen and for the special time we shared with our two little ones! They truly do make the season even brighter! 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun Christmas season you guys have had!
    The girls are getting cuter and cuter each time I see their pictures!
