
A Baby Changes Everything...Merry Christmas!

These babies sure have changed life for us in ways we never could have foreseen or imagined. And while it's not all peaches and roses at our house with two toddlers, they sure have been two of the greatest blessings the Lord could have ever given us in His goodness. Marriage is a refiner of character, but Kendall and I would say hands down ten times over, that life with twins has been hands down the biggest refiner of our hearts as it has revealed selfishness, pride, and sin at the core of our hearts like never before. Nothing like two sets of eyes watching every action and word spoken, in addition to them needing us to meet all of their physical and emotional needs to date.Which I might add has been mind boggling. =) But even as we look at how these two have turned our world upside down, nothing in all of creation and nothing that will ever come in the future has held the power to change our eternal future inheritance like one baby did and that baby is Jesus. It is too much for my finite mind to attempt to grasp that my Savior, the one who is all God, came in the flesh, as a baby with the soul purpose of reconciling sinners unto God. If that doesn't bring us to our knees, then what will? And that He came as a baby, in the most humble of circumstances and environment, is such a  miracle to me. That provokes such awe in my heart now that we have had the privilege of bringing two precious girls into the world. And what a sweet and precious Christmas it has been this year. We made so many wonderful memories with our girls, but one of the highlights from the month of December was having our family worship time each night and celebrating the coming of our King and Savior through our Advent reading. We loved preparing our hearts for Christmas morning and the sweetness of singing of our Great God with our girls each night. They may have laughed due to our lack of memory of some Christmas carols & possibly giggled and played during the reading, but we sure will treasure that time together and just maybe, sooner rather than later, our girls will come to accept the greatest gift and treasure they could ever know-the gift of their Savior, the gift of freedom from sin and condemnation, the gift of eternal life, and the gift of living in communion with their God forever and ever and ever...to Him be the Glory for the Great Things He Has Done! 

We made it to Atlanta for Christmas! These girls LOVE the outdoors!

Just playing outside with their cousin...and lovin' it!

Enjoying the Magical Nights of Lights at Lake Lanier with the whole family!

Getting in the Christmas Spirit...

Soaking up all the lights and rides and excitement, minus the reindeer antlers =)

Breakfast on Christmas morning...ready to move onto bigger and better things!

First things first Grandpa-let's get this train going & I'll be ride beside you to ensure that it happens! =)

The girls LOVING their new table! Thanks Uncle Scott, Aunt Mere, & cousin Connor! We love it already!

A few snapshots of our not so quiet Christmas morning! The girls better not think this kind of gift giving happens everyday! 

Our family loved being able to spend Christmas with Mommy's side of the family this year! There was a never a dull moment from feeding three toddlers to chasing them outside, to cleaning up their huge messes & tackling bedtimes/schedules but it sure was fun! Who ever thought children were this much work!?! =) Now the biggest task before us is teaching the girls that just because they sign "more presents" doesn't mean they will get them each day!

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