
365 bLeSsEd Days!! 1Year Old!

To my dear sweet girls,
There are so many emotions within me as your mommy as I sit down to write your first birthday letter! It is incomprehensible that 365 days have indeed passed since you entered this world and I laid eyes on you for the very first time. That moment that they placed two teeny tiny baby girls bundled ever so tightly into my arms is a moment etched in my heart and mind forever. I was changed. I was no longer just a wife and daughter, but now a mother and there was no going back. You were perfect in every way-the Lord had sustained you 8 months in the womb and now we would learn to trust Him to sustain you here on earth for as long as He wills. We hope and pray that He grants us many years of nurturing, loving, directing, guiding, and shepherding your precious and impressionable hearts to become little disciple makers. We have so many hopes and dreams for you and as much as we love seeing you reach developmental milestones and physical ones too, we long to see you begin to grow spiritually. We know that alone is what matters-that you learn to love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind. We desperately pray and yearn for God to open your eyes to your hopelessness in this world apart from Him. We are overwhelmed by His goodness and grace this past year and for the way that HE alone has sustained us and carried us through this first year. Apart from Him, we would have lost our way, but renewing our minds in His word and through much prayer, we have made it! We know this is only the beginning and that true “parenting” is just around the corner, but we praise the Lord for granting us grace and granting us joy from you girls! Today we celebrate who you girls are but even more so, who God is! You have brought more joy and happiness than we could have ever fathomed and we are blessed by your precious smiles and laughter each day. We love you to the moon and back and then again! Happy 1st birthday Maddie Grace & Makenzie!

Mommy & Daddy

Things you girls are up to:
-You LOVE pushing things-walkers, furniture, carts, toys-anything that can slide across the floor or that can help you walk!
-love to open and close things
-Makenzie-still not fantastic taking a bottle; decided to hold it herself only a day or two before her 1st birthday, but LOVES solids and can put away a decent amount of food considering how tiny she is!
-MG is still a great nurser/bottle taker with her milk, but is getting more and more picky and selective with what she will eat when it comes to solids-she lets plenty of things come right back and drain out (lovely sight!) and she has also taken up spitting/blowing food out as well!
-Makenzie has really developed some incredible fine motor skills and finds every piece of lint known to man on the floor-good and bad thing I suppose and she has even tried to pick one of mommy’s freckles off her leg!
-Maddie Grace loves to make loud noises by banging anything together!
-Makenzie has started talking on her play phone and loves putting it to her ear as well as our real cell phones!
-Makenzie can stack the rings correctly and will adjust it to fit with her other hand if necessary and she also loves to put the balls in the mouth of the alligator and watch them come out at the bottom!
-You both still love reading stories and will come over as soon as mommy starts reading a story to sit and listen (precious!) and Maddie Grace will move your hand if you attempt to block her view of any pictures-hilarious!
-Makenzie has begun to get clingy and have some separation issues the past couple days; she doesn’t like to leave mommy’s side and will sit in my lap during play group or at library time-hopefully this will pass quickly!
-Both girls favorite place to play is underneath the end table-love climbing in and out =) and their absolute favorite toy is the play house-they laugh hysterically swinging the door open and shut on either side of each other!
-Makenzie is our little climber! Will attempt to stand on books, shelves, anything to get a little higher up!
-Neither of you love to be in the spotlight but especially Makenzie-she is soooo shy and will turn her head or cry if too many ppl are watching her. Maddie Grace doesn’t eat up the attention but rather just seems indifferent to it and carries on her merry way as if no one is there!
-MG-still a thumb sucker/love to rub a soft lovey or blankie by your nose while sleeping and Makenzie is an avid paci taker/blankie holder =)
-Every time we think we have your personalities pegged, you girls decide to get together and shake it up a bit so at 12 months, apart from eating issues, Makenzie is our easier/calm baby when we’re on the go but still has quite a spunky little personality at home and can get rather energized and hyper when playing while Maddie Grace can be our more difficult one/require more attention if we are out running errands or at a restaurant but still is a very laid back/content baby at home for the most part. Never a dull moment with two babies still! =)
-MG can fit in 12 month clothes now and Makenzie is usually in 9 months for the most part!
-Not taking sippy cups well still and not taking any steps yet but hopefully both will happen soon as we work on this weaning process! =)

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