
First Halloween

What a fun, memory-filled day Halloween was for both the girls and Kendall and I! I'm not sure who had more fun today-mommy or the girls! =) Having recently gotten over some colds, I wasn't sure how many festivities the girls would be up for participating in, but we hit the ground running on Monday morning when they woke up with big smiles on their face! I had researched all the things going on in Birmingham and made our list of things to do in between all of their naps and feeding schedule! We quickly headed out to the Galleria with the two cutest cows in tow. Chick-Fil-A was having free carousel rides and pictures with the cow for every lunch purchase made.
Not hard to complete that task-I grabbed a Kids Meal and then very cautiously gathered up two fluffy bundles and headed for the sleigh on the carousel. What was I thinking?? I thought the ride would never end and I stumbled off with two girls filled with the wonderful feeling of nauseousness. Took me right back to the long weeks of pregnancy induced sickness and I was very quickly reminded of how thankful I am to be past that stage!! But hey, the girls have now officially ridden their first carousel and on Halloween, no less!
From there, we left the Galleria and headed to the Hoover Public Library for some trick or treating at each circulation desk. The girls fell fast asleep and mommy enjoyed gathering up "2" pieces, one for each girl of course, at each stop! =)
We left there, came home and got the girls fed and rested before the grand finale! At 6:00ish, we met up with some other families in our small group and had an absolute ball making our way through the neighborhood for the girls first real "trick-or-treating" experience! It was so exhilarating, but my arms were quite sore after toting our heaviest daughter from house to house! Maddie Grace was filled with excitement as she reached into the bowls and picked up candy and attempted to eat it. We had a little chat about how she wasn't quite old enough for candy but later she could have some bananas as a treat instead! =) Makenzie was rather calm which surprised us. They switched up their personalities on us for the night.
But really, we thoroughly enjoyed our time with friends, visiting with all our neighbors, and experiencing another "first" with our precious girls! Needless to say, they were plum worn out from our fun-filled day!

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