
Half a Year Already-6 Months Old!

Dear Makenzie and Maddie Grace,
My dear sweet girls, you are 6 months old today and looking so big!!! I stare into all 4 of your beautiful blue eyes in utter amazement from the teeny tiny little babies you once were and can hardly believe you actually were that small when I see you laughing and bouncing around all over the place now! So much has changed in your lives and you have learned and discovered new things it seems like everyday. We love you more than we could ever describe and you both bring incredible joy to our hearts! We have loved every minute God has given us with you and have tried to cherish each and every day by making some fun memories to last Lord willing, a lifetime! We have dragged you girls everywhere it seems and you both usually just roll with it! Our plan of having flexible babies is working so far =) You two are as different as night and day and we love the distinct differences-keeps like interesting already! You both are so ticklish and your laughs are both SOOO precious! Thankfully we have them both on camera as I never want to forget how cute they sound! You both learned how to pull your paci’s in and out of your mouth and can usually get them back in, not always though. You also can imitate sounds and banter back and forth with mommy and daddy copying all these crazy noises we make at you! Just a few days before your 6 month birthday you both have appeared to have started this “teething” thing. We don’t see much evidence other than super fussy and drooly babies so we think your pearly whites are making their way to the surface! We started rice cereal a few days ago and you both seem to really like it! Next up, bananas and avocados! You girls now rub your eyes when you are tired and currently take two good long naps-once first thing in the morning and definitely a long afternoon naps mixed in with a few cat naps in between as well. You both light up when you see Mommy and Daddy which makes our hearts so happy! You have begun interacting with each other a whole lot more and will smile at each other, laugh, and hold each others hand regularly. It’s adorable! You both are getting closer to sitting up-you have gotten so strong and can sit pretty well with support from mommy and daddy. Makenzie, you are just a ball of energy! You talk/babble NON-STOP and love testing out your voice with all these new sounds it can make! You crack us up! You also are rolling in every direction and all over the place! We cannot take our eyes off you for one second. You are one determined girl and can’t stand not being able to get where you want to go and we often have to come “rescue” you from your latest position you have gotten yourself into and can’t get out of! You have the most mischievous personality already and keep us quite busy while you are awake. You are just into everything and love to grab anything in sight! Makenzie, you are like your mommy in that you hate being by yourself. You love having someone to play with and you make it very obvious to us how much you dislike being left alone! And just about a week ago, you discovered your feet and love pulling them towards you. You haven't gotten them to your mouth yet, but you’re close! Maddie Grace, you just seem to think your sister is silly and give her the best “what are you doing!?!” looks! You love being played with, but you are also content most of the time to play by yourself or watch Makenzie play. You can roll from back to stomach or stomach to back but usually only once at a time, not in succession back and forth constantly like little sis! You learned how to blow bubbles and enjoyed doing that all day for a few days and then you lost interest rather quickly. You can be so cuddly and can sit in our arms for quite a while as content as can be! You have such an easy going personality unless you are hungry or tired! You still LOVE mealtime and are quite eager to eat at every feeding! It’s pretty cute to watch your excitement! You also are the happiest baby in the world when you wake up-we love getting you out of your crib in the morning as you are all smiles!! We are so thankful for God’ goodness in our lives and that he has given you two to us for now! It was almost a year ago when we found out we were having twins and little did we know what a treat we were in for! Definitely not easy having two at one time, but the double joy you bring to us is worth every lost hour of sleep! We hope and pray you see Jesus in our hearts and that you see how much of a priority He is in our lives. We want you to know that we are only here on this earth for one purpose and that is to glorify and praise the Lord! We can’t wait until we can hide His word in your hearts, but until then we will keep singing to Him, praying to Him, and reading His word! We love our family time of praying for other missionaries and ministries around the world and can’t wait to see how He shapes your hearts! Know that we love you, you are special to us, and that you are made in God’s image! You are just perfect in our eyes!
Love, Mommy and Daddy

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