
"Early Birds" Storytime

I have an extreme obsession with children's books and that is probably an understatement! It is so hard for me to not buy every new kids book out there and add to our collection. I guess you could say the teacher in me wants to start them out early LOVING to read. So it's usually a part of each of our days where we sit down and do the best we can at getting through a few stories together but when I saw this opportunity at the Hoover library I couldn't resist! Each Tuesday morning, we load up the car for their "Early Birds" program where Ms. Polly captures the attention of both of my girls through her read alouds, songs, chants, and rhymes! (that's quite a feat in my book!) The girls are completely in awe of her singing and the puppets/animals that she incorporates into her story telling. Makes this mom grin seeing their faces light up and their legs start kicking! We love our time there each week and to top it off we come home with a nicely laminated song/rhyme card to add to our collection-now that speaks my language =)

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