
5 Months & a Trip to Tennessee

Here we "go" again! I vow each Sunday or Monday night when we return to our house at midnight having returned the rental car with two hungry babies that this will seriously be the last weekend we travel out of time and that we need a weekend at home. The 2nd part remains true about needing a weekend at home, but it seems that we just can't pass up a single chance to take the girls somewhere new, spend time with family and friends, and add to the list of states they have visited! They have officially been to 6 states in their first 5 months of life and we have plans in place to add 2 more states to the list by Christmastime! This has made for a busy, busy last few months juggling babies on the road. I have packing down to a science and our routine of getting out the door, while still difficult, is pretty impressive in my opinion =) This past Friday the girls turned 5 months old and I really could cry thinking about how fast their first year of life is going! We plan to start solids in the next 2 weeks or so and look forward to seeing their reactions to it. Friday around lunchtime we left and headed to Gatlinburg, TN to spend the weekend with Kendall's parents. We are so thankful that they let us tag along and the girls and us enjoyed our time with them so much! The entire weekend felt so relaxing and some of the highlights for us included: stopping at Cracker Barrel for dinner on the way up, watching the AU game (despite the thought of losing) in the hotel room, dinners at Cherokee Grill and Calhoun's, our hike to Laurel Falls with the girls, grabbin' breakfast at Pancake Pantry and Donut Friar, but most of all, enjoying precious time with the girls and watching their personalities blossom in new ways each day they are alive! It's unbelievable how fast they are changing! Girls, we hope you know how much you are loved!!!! Happy 5 months! We won't always be able to celebrate each month with a trip, ha!

Dear Makenzie and Maddie Grace,
Are you seriously 5 months already?? If we blink again, I’m afraid it will be your first birthday in no time! We can’t help but feel nostalgic already about where the time has gone! We are utterly amazed at how fast you both are growing and changing! You are the most precious little girls we have ever laid eyes on! We could probably say it has been the most difficult and exhausting 5 months of our lives thus far, but also hands down the most rewarding 5 months! I love having the privilege of staying home and investing in your lives and not missing any milestones that you reach or new things you learn how to do. I love reading to you, playing peek-a-boo, having tummy time with, and snuggling with you both! This month both of your personalities have just blossomed! You both are such happy babies most of the time! You laugh and smile all day long which just makes our day! Somewhere between Atlanta and Charleston Maddie Grace, you discovered your tongue and began babbling non-stop. Your personality just flipped a switch and hasn’t returned since! We are eating it up! Just about a week ago, you both started sleeping through the night and I use that term lightly because we haven’t given up the running downstairs and inserting paci’s to keep from waking up your twin sis yet. BUT, we are so thankful for the extra sleep we are getting which then enables us to be better parents =) Or at least feel a little re-energized! You both still haven’t had a drop of formula (thank you Lord for providing enough milk for two babies!) but Makenzie, you have been on a nursing strike for quite a few weeks now. We aren’t sure if you will recover this time around and return to nursing or not. Maddie Grace, you still eat like a champ (5½ -6 ½ oz per feeding) and we’re pretty positive you don’t plan on sharing again anytime soon! You eat between 5-6 times a day depending on when our morning starts and still eat roughly every 3 hours, although you both usually do great altering the schedule depending on our day and where we are. We are so thankful for that! Makenzie, with your tummy hurting so bad it has been quite a battle to get you to eat. We have tried every awkward position known to man and some have been rather entertaining to see how we are going to get that milk in you! You do better eating smaller amounts more frequently (2 ½ oz at a time) but our goal is 5 oz. per feeding overall. I am determined to get it in you even if it takes us all day!=) Otherwise, your big sis will leave you behind in the weight department!

Here are a few milestones for this month of your lives:
-kicking your legs (looks like you both are riding a bike or ready to go swimming!)
-responding to voice inflection when reading books
-lifting head up on stomach ( 4 ½ months)
-laughing and giggling ( 4 ½ months)
-reaching for and grabbing toys and objects (4 ½ months)
-talking to each other more
-scooting down from the boppy
-bearing weight on legs when held upright (Makenzie much more so than MG)
-making slobbery, buzzing sounds and saying “ah-goooo” nonstop- 4 months
-you both love facing out so you can see others and sitting on mommy and daddy’s lap
-Makenzie rolled over from stomach to back, still waiting on MG who would rather eat or sleep =)
-love putting anything and everything in your mouths

Your daddy and I agree that you get more fun every day that passes. We laugh at the sounds and faces you are making and are just enamored with you both! Thank you for letting us love you and raise you, despite our imperfections. We know we are sinful and far from perfect, but we pray the Lord covers us in grace and mercy to grow up two Godly girls who love and fear Him. Thank you girls for blessing our lives on a daily basis! We are completely enthralled with you both and think you are just perfect!
Love, Mommy and Daddy

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