
Wrightsville Beach

This past weekend, we did the unthinkable, at least in the world of having twins. We embarked on a car trip of over 8 hours with two babies because I couldn't bring myself to miss the annual extended family beach trip! (with 26 ppl under one roof-fun fun!!) So after making my packing list and checking it for what seemed like the thousandth time, we began our first car trip without Kendall and made it to Atlanta to spend one night before heading out the next morning! My dad was such a trooper and offered to drive myself, the girls and my sister Sarah to the beach. (Kendall had to work so he flew to the beach and met us there=) So the next morning at the crack of dawn after feeding the girls, I issued military orders to get in the car immediately as the clock begins ticking after the last drop of milk is put in their mouth before it would be time to do it all over again! Out the door before 7am and surprisingly enough the girls did INCREDIBLE!!! We made it all the way with just 2 stops to feed the babies and get gas/food and other than my traveling companions were kindly asked to hold it if a bathroom stop was necessary =) We couldn't afford to lose any time when traveling with twins! We did spend a lot of time in our little room feeding babies and decided next year would be a WHOLE lot easier in a lot of ways, but we sure did enjoy spending time with family and cousins that we don't get to see very often! Family time is definitely hard to come by so we cherished each day we had and enjoyed the food and fellowship that came with it immensely!

Enjoying time as a family making memories!

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