
4 Months Old!

Dear sweet little Maddie Grace and precious Makenzie,
Your daddy and I cannot believe you are 4 months old already! Where has time gone?!? All we know is that with each passing day, we fall more in love with you girls and find ourselves wondering what life was like before you two precious girls came along! (we actually do remember =) You are growing and changing so much now, it seems like every day you are doing something new! We are loving seeing your personalities begin to blossom and know that those too will be so much fun to watch develop! You both have come so far and we stare at you both and wonder where our little 3 and 4 lb babies have gone now that you are weighing in at 11 and 12 pounds! This has been such a FUN month to see all the new things you are learning to do. You both are cooing nad talking up a storm, especially Makenzie! You laugh and smile all day long as long as your tummy is full and not hurting. Maddie Grace, you smile when you are done eating. You sure won’t stop to give us a smile during feeding time and you have us cracking up as you guard your territory while nursing! =) You both are now standing up when we hold you under the arms and you have just started to reach for objects and pull and hold onto things. Makenzie you are definitely are active, spunky baby! You have quite the little personality, good and bad and we call you our little jumping bean! Maddie Grace, you are just as precious as ever with your laid back and content demeanor! We love you both more than words can say and our hearts ache when we are away from you (we spent our first night away from you close to your 4 month bday!) and it made us miss you so much! You also spent several days away from daddy which made him anxious to see your precious faces again! We love having you in our lives and each day we feel honored and privileged to be your parents. We want you to know early on that we won’t be perfect and we know we will fail you, but we pray with God’s grace, that He will lead us, direct us and give us wisdom as we seek to show you what it means to love the Lord with all your hearts! We hope and pray we model that for you girls and that you always see Christ in us. We want our family to be one that does not live for this world but rather with eternity in mind. We are praying for you girls and love being your mommy and daddy! You make us smile every day and fill our hearts with an indescribably happiness! We can’t believe you are 4 months old today!
Love, Mommy and Daddy

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