
The School Journey Begins....Mommy Preschool {2015-2016}

Today marks a monumental day in the twins and mommy's life! The preschool journey is beginning for the three of us...and we are ready! This doing school at "home" combines my love for teaching, my love for my little girls and my love for staying home with them into one package deal and I couldn't be more thankful! Each Spring, we have agonized, prayed, & talked about whether or not to send our twins off to preschool of some sort. Should we keep them home? Should we send them? If we send them, where is best? What if their teacher isn't wonderful? What about the costs of sending them? And whether you want to admit it or not, there is a definite pressure to put your kids in school or they might not be "ready" for Kindergarten...or many encourage you to put them in there for social interaction. And all are valid points that cannot be easily dismissed. However, through each of these discussions yearly, we continue to come back time and time again to this reality: these little years are SO, SO short. And the time God has given both of us, but me specifically with them, is so fleeting. This is the verse that comes to mind each time we consider it.
"You do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away" (James 4:14).
And because we believe this to be true, for US, for our FAMILY, at THIS TIME...we have chosen to take every day God grants us life with them to pour into them in the home. To be intentional in loving on them. To model repentance on a daily basis. To take little moments and turn them into teachable moments. To cuddle and love on them while reading stories. To create, develop, discover, and explore anything and everything we can. And sure I hope they learn a thing or two this year. But what is my biggest heart in all of this? For them to "love the Lord their God with all their heart and all their soul and with all their strength and with all their minds."
So here we stand...humbled, privileged, and incredibly grateful for the task at hand...and knowing full well the strength needed will only come from Him...and lots will be needed =)
And come on, are they not the cutest?!
And believe it or not, Ashton Kate is not aware that she is not also a twin and four years old as well! :)
The goal is 3 times a week for several hours each day, preferably while Ashton Kate is napping for the academic part at least. We will gladly let her participate in Bible, music, arts, and crafts!
Planning our first theme around The Kissing Hand was so much fun! The former teacher in me gets quite a thrill out of themes, crafts, and all things laminated, ha!
Our first day was a huge success and we all had a ball! The key to this going well will be how well Mommy is organized and prepares all lessons and materials ahead. Wish me luck! =)
These three truly have the best time together! Sometimes hard to get school work done with little miss around! And even if we try to give her her own "activity" she's smart enough to still want to do whatever it is her big sisters are doing!
Teddy bear counters, pattern blocks, and a little coloring...
A little sorting, learning patterns, counting, and writer's workshop in action...
And now a little measuring and classifying mixed with puzzles and bible time crafts...
So yes, we are just beginning, and while some days feel so long, the years are truly so short-and before long these three cuties will be off to "real' school!
Thank you Jesus for these three little girls you have entrusted into our care...may the love they have in their hearts for you only flourish this year while we all strive to obey you more, trust you more, and love you more!

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