
Turning 3 Calls For a Celebration: Cracker Barrel Style =)

First of all, can it really be true that our little preemies born at 3 and 4 lbs each are turning 3 years olds?!?! They are running and jumping and talking our ears off...boy time sure does fly by at rapid speed! So we decided early on that we would do their birthday dinner at Cracker Barrel for two reasons: 1. They LOVE that place...the rockers, the gift shop with baby dolls, the checkers, the fireplace...and 2. They will eat what we order! Especially if it's pancakes, eggs, & bacon (Makenzie's definite favorites!) which is an added plus! The plan was originally to eat there the night of their actual birthday but when their "tiny" little party turned into a larger party, we decided it would be too much to tackle in one day. Why not spread out the celebrating. So this was the beginning of their week of birthday celebrating! On the Saturday before, we headed to Cracker Barrel and Nana & GDad were gracious enough to make the drive up and join us there (which is only fitting since half of our fond memories from Cracker Barrel include them!! =) We had the best time! The girls scarfed down their meal and began eating off our plates! Ha! We're still not sure whether Nana got to actually eat any of her eggs before Makenzie polished them off! They were so kind and brought the girls each their own birthday dessert so they thought that was great fun! I think we all left about to pop and a little wild from all the sugar. They were definitely not ready for bed when we arrived home so we let them enjoy the grandparents for this special occasion! Cracker Barrel, you never disappoint! Always a fun time! Let the partying of turning 3 begin!!! (temper tantrums and all =)

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