
First Snow the Girls Could E-N-J-O-Y

 Snow in the South always stirs up quite a show around town! This time was no different, but our "snow" day looked a bit different than I would have pictured. Beginning mid-morning, the snow began to fall and the girls were absolutely mesmerized by it. They would stand at the window and just watch it fall. This wasn't their first "snow" experience because they did visit Colorado last winter for our ski trip...BUT it was the first time they could really take it all in and realize what it was! We were scheduled to be at Children's for their ENT appt to determine whether or not they would need tubes. I called just to make sure everything was still on schedule and when they said yes, we hopped in the car and headed downtown. Not a blip on the radar-the roads were totally fine & we arrived safe and sound. Everything went great and then it came time to leave. As we loaded up the car, I peered out from the top of the parking deck to see the city covered in a white blanket. So beautiful and the girls were still completely enthralled by it. I thought, "Perfect, we'll be home soon, they can take a quick nap and then out we'll go to let them play in the snow!" WRONG. Traffic was horrendous, stopped in every which direction. So now there I was, stuck in the car with two tired and cranky toddlers, trying to get home, and not moving an inch. Thankfully we made it home safely, but what should have taken 25 minutes turned into a 2-hour trip where I was forced to let them eat a whole bag of yogurt melts, sing until my lungs couldn't take it anymore, and pray that God would get us home safely. =) And we did...it was like we took a car trip, but didn't go anywhere. 

Finally at home but decided to forgo naps for the day so they could get outside! Bundled up, loaded up, and headed to the park!

My two little snow bunnies said, "Yippee for snow in Birmingham!!"
 "Uh Mommy, what is T-H-I-S stuff?!"
Go ahead girls-it's okay to touch!
 At this point, they were still enjoying themselves...
Snapped a quick picture together! (sure wish daddy could have joined in the fun!!)
 Played a little in the car...and then the meltdowns began...cold, tired, hungry, you name it!

Such fun to see them experience new things and it's safe to say they enjoy snow more from a distance than up close and touching it! They loved watching it fall and would giggle with delight, but the minute we tried to make a snowball, they weren't huge fans anymore. Was quite a long day, but sure was fun to have snow for a day!

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