
Visit to the Clifford Exhibit

With two toddlers now in full toddler motion, it is best for all of us if we plan several exciting outings for the girls each week. Our four walls begin to close in on us after spending an entire day inside during the winter. Kendall can immediately tell which days we haven't left the house-this mom gets a little cooped up! And well of course everyone knows Birmingham is not a booming metropolis full of places to visit, however it does have several great options that are sure to please these little faces! So back to the McWane Center we went with several of our dear friends, but this time they had recently updated one of their exhibits to Clifford! =) That my friends is perfect for these early learners who also happen to love anything dog-related. I love the fact that they can get out tons of energy and that 99.9% of the time I don't lose track of where they are. =)  I also love the fact that it is such an interactive exhibit chocked full of ways for them to use their hands and explore, investigate, and let their imaginations run wild. Oh the life of a child. I cherish this time I have at home with them and hope to always make the most of each day, teaching them something new or introducing them to something they hadn't seen the day before. They had a ball and could not have been more content! Thankful for this place, especially when outdoor activities are limited!

on the front porch ready to leave, then already enjoying this new environment!

Hiding in the tunnel, reading independently, and planting some flowers for them

Climbing in and out of Clifford's dog bowl, doing some coloring, and making sure that the mail gets delivered to the right people! :)

Digging up some bones & sliding down Clifford's tail

Making some music, testing out new buttons, and delivering mail =)

Thank you McWane Center for keeping my girls more than occupied. We shall return...

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