
A task too great for me...

The surprise blessing of twin girls has become the most precious gift God could have ever given us, but if I was honest, I would say it is also the hardest task we have EVER been entrusted with. The task of raising up girls who love the Lord, not just a cultural attend church and have the knowledge of God, but a deep love for their Savior. Knowing their lives are sustained only by His grace. Knowing His death on the cross was and is sufficient for their sins. Knowing that His love is unconditional and that His mercy runs deep and is more than they deserve. I want them to know those things and so much more and I know apart from God doing the work in their hearts that they will not desire the things of God on their own. 
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit;apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
So I know what I desire for them and I know that they won't arrive there by accident. I so desperately need the Lord's grace in my own life so that I can be such a clear reflection of the Gospel to these two girls. Thank goodness for these precious smiles below that remind me that the task of motherhood is worth it. The days are long, but the years are short and I couldn't agree more with that thought. It's just that some days are REALLY long! I sincerely wonder if I will make it through the day-through the disobedience, through the fighting and the whining and the tears, through the food thrown all over the floor, through the missed naps, through their sinful tendencies that are exhibited on a daily basis. And then...I am reminded that in the same way we continue to love, continue to pursue, continue to give good gifts to our girls, MY GOD does the same for me. And that humbles me. That despite my sin, my shame, my failings, that He still comes for us, He still loves us, He still remains faithful to His children...."if we are faithless, he remains faithful-for He cannot deny himself." 2 Timothy 2:13
And THAT truth is what makes me able to wake up each morning with a HOPE. A hope for the life to come forever praising the Lord, the one who is worthy of all our praise and all of our affection. And I pray that when he returns I might be found faithful. Faithful to His word. Faithful in my marriage. Faithful to pouring truth into our girls. Faithful in standing firm on the truth of WHO GOD IS and WHAT He has done for me. To that end I pray....and I pray persistently.

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