
Operation Drop the Bottle + Soaking up the last of Summer!

I had been dreading this day for a long time. I knew it was way past time to get rid of the bottle, but that fact didn't make it any easier in my mind. There were two main reasons why I built this day up in my mind. 1. We have an insanely difficult eater-we shall label her Baby B & I have worked so hard since the day she was born to get her to consume the "right" amount of milk and what if taking it away made her lose weight?! and 2. Our other sweet girl had become very, very attached to her bottle in the last couple months. We'll call her Baby A. =) Those two things alone made me put it off quite a few times. There was never a good time to do it. They were either sick, teething, or we were going out of town. Never good transition times. So I really don't have any logical, well-thought answer as to when I chose Operation Drop the Bottle Day. But August 27, 2012 has now become that day. I can officially say we are bottle free at our house and what a relief! The girls have done great with it and other than a little protesting from Baby A on Day 1, we haven't turned back! It's been a long time coming and I am so thankful that we didn't have to struggle through this process for too long :) My little babies have added one more thing to the list that makes them not so little anymore! =(

And instead of doing anymore summer updates, I figured I'd throw a few pictures up of what our last days of summer have looked like at our house! LOTS of messes, LOTS of mischief, but ENDLESS smiles and fun!

We made two trips to WeeFlip and both girls had an absolute ball sliding, jumping, climbing, and getting all their energy out with their Monday playgroup!

 Enjoying their watermelon at a fun, family cookout!

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