
The Not So Perfect Days!

So most of the time when I post updates, it's of the fun we've had or the memories we've made traveling, but this one is dedicated solely to the mundane task of taking care of two babies, day in and day out, on the not so perfect days! And believe me, there are plenty of them.

Not every day of being a stay-at-home-mom is glamorous or even enjoyable at times, but I do PRAISE God for the incredible privilege even when my days are more like this....

the sound of our high-maintenance baby's shrill cry generally wakes us up for the day...I venture down to the nursery to retrieve said baby and her twin sister and then proceed to carry both babies upstairs. We begin my least favorite part about our days: mealtime! Every, Almost every meal is a battle attempting to get Baby B to eat-more than half usually ends up on the floor (no pics bc I am never in a good mood to document that =) and the other half has been snuck into her mouth via extremely creative ways of distracting her. Then the floor is usually covered in milk from their bottle or sippy cup being strewn, shaken, or turned upside down. At this point, Baby B is completely done "eating" as she frantically signs ALL DONE ALL DONE! I wipe her down, remove her from the high chair and as mealtime comes to a close, hoping a few calories will stick to our little one's belly, the now daunting task of cleaning them, their trays, the floor, etc begins...

But the only problem is we now have a free roaming 15 month old and here is what she comes up with to do while waiting for her sister to finish breakfast! Could not believe what I saw...she had dragged her riding zebra all the way across the floor and parked herself right in front of Maddie Grace to entertain her =) This picture comes nowhere close to capturing how hysterical it was as she is bouncing like crazy to get MG to laugh and boy did she!! Too funny...it's moments like this below that make 

all of this....worth it!

So I regain my composure after going from frustrated to literally laughing out loud and get back to cleaning up their breakfast, but the only problem is while this "cleaning" was going on, this is what the girls have been up to on any given day...

Yes! She is standing from the cart to jump to the pillows to THEN reach the nightstand
to get what she wants and yes she succeeded!!
sitting on toys that can break and collapse (which it later did :( ...) 
standing up in the grocery cart and then throwing hands in the air to demonstrate
her independence :)

So it's now around 9am and today happens to be the day I am hosting a New & Expectant Moms Brunch for the Birmingham Moms of Multiples at our place...so no problem I'm thinking, I did most of the cleaning, preparing, getting organized the night before. All I need to do is a little straightening...well the minute I get this area picked up...

I turn around to see this behind me...
this can speak for itself: not a quick clean up when there are crushed leaves all over the clean
hardwoods from my fall centerpiece!

I promptly re-locate them to a different part of the house to get this swept up and then low and behold, we now have this...

But with 2 minutes to spare, the candles get lit, lamps are turned on, music begins playing in the background...all so I can greet this :)
yes, you're seeing more than double...that would be 4 sets of twins =)
On a side note, I absolutely LOVE hosting these families each month as I know what that first year of raising twins is like and how much support and encouragement you need on a daily basis!

So as soon as everyone has left our place, we begin mealtime again! Remember how I said it wasn't my favorite?? Too bad it has to happen 3 times a day, every day =( Insert not much fun routine from breakfast and then we may make a quick run to Target which entails bringing plenty of snacks to occupy them for the entire grocery trip. We arrive home, have to carry both babies up to the play area, then return to the car to bring in quite a few bags (usually no less than 4 trips back and forth) and as I quickly try to unload the perishable items... I am met with these little helpers :)

unloading all the bags!
riding the cereal box!
as soon as the fridge door opens, I can expect 1 or both to be standing inside!
By now, it's about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and it's officially NAP TIME! My chance to eat my own lunch, clean up THEIR lunch, think about what we could make for dinner and unload the never ending, always full, dishwasher which then produces a mess on the counter that looks like this =)
growing collection of sippy cups, tops and straws!
AND...if there's time, maybe tackle this...

So the hardest part of our day (as if the other part wasn't hard enough!!!) begins when they wake up from their afternoon nap. The incessant whining begins, the tugging on mommy's legs to be held, and the inability to do ANYTHING other than be on the floor playing with them, reading to them, and attempting to make them laugh sets in. Husband gets home to find usually 2 screaming babies and he asks, "Have they been like this ALL day??" Well no, but you should see what they HAVE been up to! =)

Love my girls to death but it sure isn't always a walk in the park taking care of them everyday! Praise the Lord that His mercies are new every morning! That is what sustains me...

Lamentations 3:22,23 “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.”


  1. Love this post...I think I'm busy w/one running boy toddler, but I can't imagine 2! Love your sweet girls. Now that library time has ended for the summer we need to do our OWN playdate!!

  2. Love this post Lindsay! So often blogs {including my own!} only depict the sweet {seemingly perfect} times with our kids, but this post is real life and I love it! We are so thankful the Lord has brought us to the same small group and can't wait to watch these 2 little cuties grow up!

  3. Bless your heart!! I would say that I can totally relate, but I only had one walking toddler getting into everything at that age. Alli is in no hurry to walk, so I think it'll be fine until then. This post was so refreshing though, and I really don't understand how you do it all!! BTW, I HATE mealtime too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worst part of my days BY FAR!! God did not bless me with good eaters!
