
Twin Fun

So clearly we don't know what it is like to have just one baby at a time, but man is it becoming more and more fun to have two at the same time! This age (9-12 months) has been incredibly fun as we watch them not only learn new things individually but then pick up things the other sister is doing or see them copy funny quirks/habits from their twin! There is no doubt that two babies is an insane amount of work and takes a lot to work out all the logistics to make it through the day on a semi-normal schedule, but the JOY that comes from watching two sisters interact and love one another is indescribable. We just find ourselves totally enamored watching them operate in their own little "twin" world- talking, laughing and having the best time together! (Of course, don't let us fool you into thinking it's all peaches and roses-when they aren't at their best, that means screaming coming from not one, but two as well ha!=) They definitely keep us on our toes, humble, full of prayers! We praise God for their little lives, and the unbelievable ways they fill up our hearts each day! Blessed indeed!

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