
2 Month Update/Letter

Dear sweet Maddie Grace and spunky little Makenzie,
We can hardly believe our eyes that you are 2 months old already!!! Wow, time sure flies by! We are loving every minute with you girls, despite you both keeping us awake quite a bit =) We know it won’t last forever so we are cherishing our time snuggling and holding you both in our arms while we can. You both are just beyond precious to us and we are loving seeing your personalities unfold. Maddie Grace, you are still a super laid back baby and you only cry when you are really hungry or when you get cold-ie diaper changed or getting out of your bath. You make the most adorable faces and have started smiling all the time, esp once you are done eating. You are so patient already in letting your little sis get held first, fed first, etc. We love seeing you grow and that you are-you are a BIG eater and are getting rather cubby. Your face and chubby cheeks are just the cutest! Makenzie, you have grown tremendously this month and we find it hard to fathom just how much, but when we look at pictures it’s unbelievable the change and we praise God for your growth! You have quite the little personality. You have a fussy temperament but you can also be very calm and content when you are fed and your tummy doesn’t hurt. You still love being held and you sleep best when wrapped up in a big fluffy blanket in the corner of someone’s arms! You also scream on impulse the minute you wake up-it’s never a slow stretching wake up time where you realize you are hungry. You just go ahead and scream right away, even if it’s just one squeal! You become quite frantic at eating time which doesn’t help your reflux and spitting up issues, but it’s hard to slow you down! Your face has filled out so much and we know you are growing like a weed! We know we will miss holding you close as you get older and more mobile so for now we will enjoy looking into your precious eyes and holding your tiny body close to us! You both have been so much fun to take out and this month we took you on your first beach trip! You girls did fantastic on both car rides and we loved taking you out to eat with Mommy and Daddy! You were little troupers and slept like babies  the entire time we ate and then we would feed you and continue enjoying our evening! What a fun first trip we had! Right now, you both usually eat around 4 oz (120ml) at least when you take a bottle you do. Never quite sure how much you get nursing which makes for a good guessing game. But you both continue to thrive and gain weight so we are so thankful! If we had to say, we think you Maddie Grace look more like your daddy and Makenzie you have more of Mommy’s traits, but we know that might change as you get bigger! Maddie Grace, you have become a great sleeper a lot of nights, but we wake you up when sister gets hungry. You probably would sleep longer if we let you! Makenzie, you dictate our schedule for this time in our lives  You are not the best sleeper so when you are ready to eat, we all wake up for you! We hope you become a better sleeper because right now you aren’t making it very long before you need tending to! You both have such strong necks and can arch your back and pull your heads up when you are on our shoulders. You also can turn your heads from one side to another. After you girls eat, you start smiling a lot, not at us yet we don’t think but hopefully it won’t be long! MG, you still LOVE to have your hands up by your head. We think it’s precious and wonder how long it will last. Makenzie you usually hold on super tight to whatever is within your little reach and you have a very tight grip! You girls can focus your eyes so well and are much more alert and aware of your surroundings, esp you Maddie Grace. You look around a lot when we take you new places. You both still like your paci’s but Maddie Grace loves it a lot more! Hard to fathom you both have just about doubled your weight and have outgrown preemie clothes and are totally filling out newborn clothes! Seems like just yesterday you were being born! Our love for you both grows more and more everyday and we are striving to learn each of your unique personalities and meet your needs accordingly! We can’t wait to see what you learn this next month and how big you will be! We will always love you and we can’t wait to teach you about Jesus! We pray for you girls so much and can’t wait until you both can participate in our family prayer time! We desire to live life to the fullest with you girls for as long as the Lord entrusts you to us! Stay just as small and precious as you are please =) We love you both so, so much!!!

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