
Grayson Mills Currie {14 Months Old}

Buddy boy,
You are becoming a little boy right before our very eyes and although it's exciting and amazing to watch you continue to meet milestones and learn new things, it's a reminder of how time is flying by. Faster than we ever dreamed possible. From rolling cars around to filling up a dump truck with sand, you are beginning to show us differences already in raising a little boy. Up until now it's been baby dolls and purses, so what a joy to move into trains, cars, balls, and trucks! You're still such a sweetheart and can be found positioned on mama's hip, strapped in your stroller, or in the ergo! That is, until you are ready to be down and roaming free! This was a bittersweet month in that a week shy of turning 14 months we finally weaned you from nursing. Probably my least favorite week in a long time watching you cry buckets of tears in the process. I wasn't sure you or I would survive and my mama heart truly ached (and still does!) to be done with that season of motherhood! But so so thankful that it went smoothly and we were bale to make it past a year! I will treasure that sweet time with you each night where all was calm in our chaotic little world! Grayson, you are a joy and a true gift from God. We are thankful for the happiness your life brings to our family! We love you so, so much!
Memories & Milestones: 13 Months Old-14 Months Old
-still LOVING food-truly you gobble it down faster than we can keep it coming on your tray and will scream for more!
-you've tried all sorts of new foods from Mexican Lasagna to Shrimp Tacos, from tacos to spaghetti and we have yet to find many things you don't devour =) The only few dislikes seem to be mandarin oranges and raspberries so far!
-still terrified of the bathtub and it's traumatic for you whenever it's time for another one-you cry from entry to exit and it's heartbreaking but it's a fact of life buddy!
-we dropped the morning feeding on 5/8/18 and headed to the zoo (your first REAL trip-trips as a newborn don't count) in hopes that the heat would encourage you yo embrace the sippy cup but alas you held out on us yet again!
-To make up for your lack of no liquid except nursing before bedtime, we offered you more squeeze packs and as you can see above, you weren't a fan of that replacing your milk
-On May 14, 2018 you nursed for the last night (a week shy of 14mo) and mommy soaked up the last time too! A sweet time with you for sure and terribly bittersweet! You had grown super attached to nursing the last few months which made this even more sad to be finished!
-After not allowing one single drop of liquid into your mouth for multiple weeks, you finally caved after several days post-weaning and succumbed to drinking warmed up breastmilk from a bottle (I've never been more overjoyed!)
-Snacks became more frequent to satisfy you during the day with some extra calories and you looked like such a big boy reaching your little fingers into the bag and doing it all by yourself!
-You've gotten even more attached lately if that's possible and will hover at mommy's feet until I pick you up!
-Things you've learned this month: how to climb up the slide, how to climb into a little chair (right at 14mo) & how to move forwards and backwards riding the little riding toy! (also at 14mo)
-you really enjoy activities or toys where you can fill things up or insert objects into something (loved putting sand in the truck & love playing with your gumball machine toy)
-still terrified of taking baths and also the pool
-you know that you need to balance your weight and ease down from something if you are up high
-love clapping your hands together and seem so proud!
-most precious thing ever this month is that you will frantically crawl to mommy or daddy and nestle your head right into our belly button area and then around to position yourself in our lap! Too cute!

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