
Grayson Mills Currie {10 Months Old}

Well, it was quite hard this month to capture your "monthly" photos because you are ALL OVER THE PLACE! You can't stand to be still and you are constantly on the go! Guess there's no slowing you down now!
Memories & Milestones: 9 Months Old-10 Months Old
-You made your way for the first time to the nursery at First Pres (12/31/17) because you can definitely not stay quiet during the service anymore!
-Officially a CRAWLER as of 1/7/18 (9.5mo) and finally used your knees!
-Will swipe anything off a counter that your pass by your hands
-first time riding in the grocery car while sitting up (1/9/18)
-You are pulling up on everything these days...your crib, the play car, anything that proves to be sturdy enough for you is fair game!
-started saying ba ba ba sounds (1/14/18)
-tried eggs and attempted the sippy cup at exactly 10mo (1/21/18)
-popped another tooth-stop growing up sweet thing!
-into EVERYTHING...we are realizing how many small pieces and little parts we have out from your sisters!
-favorite things to play with: broom, cords, cell phones, nightlights, outlets, basically anything you shouldn’t =)
-it snowed AGAIN in Auburn which made for your 2nd snow! You weren't too sure what to think of it!
-Again, no shortage of love being given to you! Smothered and mothered by all three of your big sisters! They read to you, play with you, grab your paci for you, include you in their creative play, and overall couldn't love you more! You are their real live baby!

This last photo below captures the love they have for you...they all scooted their chairs around your high chair so they could be near you while you ate your dinner!

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