
Grayson Mills Currie {8 Months Old}

8 Month Stats:
Weight: right around 20lbs
Clothes: some 6mo and some 9mo
Sweet boy!
I know I say it every month, but the truth remains: the time is FLYING by! I could squeeze you every minute of every day and it still wouldn’t be enough. You are simply the best =) By far the most laid back and content baby! Grayson, you make our days brighter and that smile you give is contagious to our whole house. We are so thankful to God for giving us you-you are more than we could have dreamed of and more than we deserve. We know it’s a loud house full of lots of emotions, but you handle it all in stride. Praying it stays that way! I think it’s safe to say you are satisfied being the caboose, toted around, & doted and loved on! You welcome any attention with the sweetest smile and perk up when someone plays with you! Your sisters can’t stand for you to shed any tears and do their best to sing to you, fetch your paci as quick as they can, or offer you a new toy to play with. I just cannot believe that that 8-pound baby is 8 months old today. The days can surely feel long, but the years are short! I know that full well. So I come to your aid in the middle of the night and pat your back or rock you as long as you need because it won’t last forever. In fact, it will be gone way too soon. You are such a joy, a true delight Grayson Bug and we love you so very much!! We are loving all our days with you!
Memories & Milestones: 7 Months Old-8 Months Old 
- you thoroughly enjoyed your first cup of Stonyfield vanilla yogurt! (10/27/17)
-sat up for a long time without tipping over on 10/27/17 (just past 7mo) but still can't be left alone safely
-Everything, I mean EVERYTHING goes into your mouth that you get your hands on
-love to shake toys from side to side as hard as you possibly can to see what they'll do    
-the tags on things keep you quite occupied for a while and they end up soaked when you are finished! =)
-you end up sleeping on your tummy most nights
-still won't take a bottle =(
-still a great nurser but unfortunately you are still waking up at night to eat at least once
-wake up having soaked through your diaper almost every morning
-daddy snipped a few longer strands of your hair over thanksgiving
-sitting up pretty well unassisted at 7.5months!!
-Things you love to do lately: pull out toys from a container, bang two objects together to make loud noises, scoot around on your tummy, reach for ANYTHING within a mile radius of you, babble up a storm and test out new sounds with your voice, grab your paci if it’s within your reach and put it back in your mouth, put EVERYTHING in your mouth, grab any tag, string, cord, etc. and reach down for things and come back up to the sitting position

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