
Grayson Mills Currie {5 Months Old}

5 Month Stats:
Weight: Roughly 18lbs
Clothes: 6 month
Diapers: size 2
Grayson Mills,
My how we adore you! We really wish time would slow down-fastest 5 months of our lives hands down! You are chunking up rather nicely these days, ha! J Everywhere we go, people have two reactions: 1. He is SO smiley! And then followed up with 2. He is HUGE! Yes you are sweet boy! Growing like a weed! You are the squishiest, cutest thing we ever laid eyes on! And that big dimply grin is almost too much! I could hold you all day and never get anything done around the house! It’s tempting on so many days because these baby days are fleeting. Truly, you have been the best baby and so much fun because you are so easy and we can take you anywhere! You don’t cry too often and as long as make sure to not push you too much in one day, you are a joy! Your smile lights up a room and it’s so much fun to let  others enjoy you too! I hope you stay so joyful as you grow! We couldn’t love you more if we tried! Happy 5 Months sweet Grayson! You are immensely loved around this house!
Love, Mommy & Daddy
Memories & Milestones: 4 Months Old-5 Months Old
-play with your toes and hold onto your feet all the time (4.5mo)-put your hands and fingers in mouth to suck on-constant babbling and testing out new sounds
-love being shown attention and will break into the biggest grin with dimples and all

-sleeping all night (with one early morning feeding) and then back down again
-trying to sit up in the bath tub from laying down position (a good ab work out)
-still nursing great (6 feedings a day)
-you still spit up bucketfuls unfortunately and can soak mommy’s outfit in a quick minute!
-you are pretty laid back and go with the flow unless you're exhausted

-1st plane ride-Puerto Rico with mommy and daddy 8/3-8/7
-1st dip in the pool at the St. Regis in Puerto Rico 8/4/17
-1st bike ride- Puerto Rico 8/6/17
-first time in the baby Einstein play saucer 8/14/17 (4.75mo)

-started sucking your thumb more and more-we shall see if that ends up being your thing (4.75mo)
-you will smile at EVERYONE!! As soon as you make eye contact there's a slight pause and then you break into the biggest grin-it's adorable!
-reach and play with toys well

-easy, easy baby!
-scooting backwards like off the boppy, scooting around sideways
-discovered your tongue right at 5mo

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