
Miss Priss is 14 Months!

Height: 29 inches
Weight: 22.5lbs
Clothes: 12 months, some 18 month things
Diapers: Size 4
Teeth: 5 so far (3 on top, 2 on the bottom)
To our littlest squirt!
Oh how you have grown SO much over the past month! In more ways than one J Your little BIG personality has come out strong and you are not afraid to make your wishes and desires known at all times. Even though you will always be my baby for now, you are acting more and more like a little girl at times. And you sure do try to keep up with your big sisters and do everything they are doing. It’s no longer enough to be in the same room watching them and observing. You are now wanting to play with them, interact with them, and most of all dictate which baby and stroller you can have. =) Determined describes you to a T these days…but OH how we are so thankful for you sweet girl! Yes, you keep us on our toes! Yes, you are becoming quite particular about your likes and dislikes regarding just about everything, but YES we love you more than words can say! You can light up a room with that smile and that crawl you do when you can’t stand to be left out or want to get to mommy as quick as possible is one of the cutest things you do! Our love for you is unconditional-will never change. We yearn for you to know early how much you need someone to redeem you, rescue you, and save you. Not by anything other than sheer grace. Praying for that day sweet girl, and in the meantime, we will continue to pour as much truth into your little heart as it can possibly hold. We love watching you play your musical instruments with us during family worship time and banging those cymbals with quite a bit of joy! We take great delight in you and cherish the days we have been given to love on you!
Love, Mama and Dada
Milestone and Memories from 13-14months:
-Your schedule really hasn’t changed all that much. You still are a pretty great sleeper and napper overall-unless you are sick or teething. You sleep around 12 hours most nights and go down anywhere from 7:15-8:15 give or take. We’re still trying to figure out the whole two vs. one nap thing. It’s hard for you to make it missing your morning nap but if we can press through, it works great with our family to put you down right after lunch and you’ll take a nice long usually 3 hour nap!
-You’ve developed quite an opinion regarding what you like eating and you will clinch those lips shut and swat any bites away if you don’t want it. You eat super duper fast if you like it and will sign please often for more! When you don’t want something you will either stack it on the counter, put it in the cup holder of your tray, or your favorite: just throw it over the side…:/ Your favorite foods these days are…yogurt, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries,mango/pineapple, bananas, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pasta with red sauce, cheese, mandarin oranges, muffins, breads, and for snacks you LOVE raisins, dried apples, and especially graham crackers! And we’re so proud of you sweet AK! You are able to use your fork correctly and love to get your food on there or place it on the end and use it at each meal! (a little over 13mo)
-You’re still a wild thing and love to climb anything you can! You can often be found sitting up in a little chair and attempting to make your way to the top of the table if given half a chance =) That or climbing the stairs still-you will make a bee line to get there if we forget to block it off! Your big sisters are great at yelling for mommy to catch you if you’re in danger! =0)
-Lately, you have been trying more and more to play what Maddie Grace and Makenzie are playing and thank goodness 99% of the time they are SO patient with you. You can be found smack dab in the middle of their baby doll playing, car riding, dr’s appointment play time-and they LOVE you being around most of the time. The only thing that frustrates them is when you mess up what they have built but thankfully they are pretty gracious towards you. They get upset if you go down for your nap and they haven’t had time to play with you. Melts momma’s heart!
-Toys/things you are quite into lately: your bookshelf! It’s your all time favorite to pull a million books off and open them and read them yourself. Your love for books has flourished this month and you have become quite a little bookworm! You will also sign book for mommy to read to you-LOVE =) A close second is rocking & feeding your baby dolls and pushing them around in their strollers. You enjoy riding on your Little People car (could do it by yourself at 14mo), carrying purses around on your arm, playing with the big dollhouse, opening and shutting the little house, and laughing and giggling in the circus tent. Your all time favorite place to be still is outside though. You squeal if the door opens and you aren’t ushered out…and the same goes for when it’s time to come inside. You hate it. Every.single.time. You love stroller rides and also riding around in your Cozy coupe or Step 2 car. Can’t wait for warmer weather so you can enjoy the backyard again!
-When I think of you at 14 months here’s what comes to mind: You squat everywhere and it’s SO stinkin’ cute! Whenever you are re-united with your lovey you grab it, snuggle it and put it close to your face and it’s simply adorable! You have a major attachment to mommy and cry when I walk away from you, set you down, or leave the room and then once gone, you are totally fine! You point to everything you want and squeal for it or when you are just pointing to things you see (into pointing in general!), you LOVE bath time and splashing around-you love to stack the letters up in a pile in the corner of the tub and you really enjoy when the water is turned on and you can fill up your cup and drink it/choke on it. =) Whenever music comes on you bob your head from side to side with the biggest grin on your face (esp at mealtime when the countdown timer for the twins is turned on), you are uber ticklish and it never gets old hearing you belly laugh, your twin sisters can make you absolutely die laughing and it gets the entire family laughing hysterically! You walk around talking on your phone all the time and you seem to be having a full out conversation (if only I knew what you were thinking!) Getting you into your car seat lately has been a nightmare-you pitch the biggest fit and I have to either give you a snack or a toy and hope that calms you down enough to stop planking in order to get you strapped in! You still aren’t a fan of getting your diaper changed and having to lay still but you are now a big helper when it comes to getting dressed and will help put your feet up for socks or put your arms in the holes. Growing up so fast! You enjoy putting tops on things and especially love to feed yourself/do everything as independently as possible. You still love stuffed animals of any sort and give them big hugs! You are such an affectionate little thing-although you hate to sit still or be confined, you love giving hugs and kisses and we’ll take all that you offer!
-As far as talking goes, you only say a few words like momma, hi/hey, your version of bye bye and dog, still not saying dada yet but the things you understand leave me amazed. You understand so many commands such as where’s your lovey/paci, go get your book, let’s put your shoes on, where is Maddie Grace and Makenzie, do you want your bottle? do you want to go outside? Give mommy/daddy a hug. Give kisses Ashton Kate…The list is endless but I’m amazed when you constantly respond appropriately.

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