
October Football Games

Can hardly believe October is already come and gone! This season is flying by and we are already a little sad to think of how fast it went. We have looked forward to it all summer and having friends and family here that it's hard to fathom that it's quickly coming to an end. We'll enjoy it to the fullest while it lasts though!
The first game in October just so happened to be Auburn vs. LSU. And my parents JUST so happened to have an out of town wedding for a nephew they had to attend. That meant there were six tickets to the game for their four children and two children-in-law (my new word for the day) to enjoy. And thanks to Nana and G-Dad for keeping our three girls, we had an absolute blast! Not only were we kid-free but we were able to enjoy the entire day as siblings, engage in conversation without being interrupted, not drag along multiple diaper bags and other paraphernalia for the kiddos and simply walk into campus carrying our jackets and a phone. Wow, I had almost forgotten what that was like.
We soaked up every minute of the day and filled up our "refreshed" tanks as we say. And walked away with another win for Auburn and a trip to roll Toomer's!
Fast forward two weeks and now we have South Carolina upon us...Let's see how our team rallies after our first loss last week to Mississippi State. This crew is a little worn out from celebrating Grandpa's 60th birthday last night in Atlanta with a surprise party! So fun but lots of work traveling there and back in less than 24 hours! We dragged the girls out to the "white tents" again for a fun day together with family. They wanted a plate full of food and a place to sit...I think this did the trick. And Ashton Kate enjoyed a wee bit of freedom today too!
Could eat this sweet thing up in a heartbeat! We love you Ashton Kate-so, so much!
Adding to our collection of family photos...we've just about doubled our total just from adding in football season ones! Needless to say, we were in need of some!
And how could I ever pick just one with these fun giggles!
And one more with all the girls in the fam! 
And let's wrap up the photo shoot with an adults only one of the Williams Girls (or used to be Williams!) Love being with them so much! Will have withdrawals come December!
Not to mention withdrawals from extra helping hands!
Filled with a zest for life on the right and an appreciation for all the details of all God has created on the left...sure are thankful for how the Lord uniquely designed each one of them!
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to eat in peace...=) Every now and then would be nice...but I won't wish away the years with lots of little ones needing their mommy all.the.time. =)

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