
Cow Appreciation Day

Just the mention of the word ChickFilA brings a smile to our family's face =) For more than a few reasons.
1. My kids actually will eat their ENTIRE meal with minimal coercion!
2. What mom doesn't love the fact that they will set up high chairs, place mats, deliver your food to you, clear your food, and provide any napkins, sauces, or help at any time!?! 
3. The play area just happens to look a tad cleaner than other fast food places
4. The courteous staff that helps me as a mom of young children from the time we enter til the time we leave!
5. The Family Fun Nights every Thursday!
6. Added bonus: worship music that my kids recognize playing in the bathroom =)
7. Everything on their menu is delicious to me!
8. The kids meal prizes/toys are simply THE BEST!
9. Hand wipes after leaving the play area? Yes please!
And if those aren't enough things to keep us coming back time and time again, then there's the once a year Cow Appreciation Day each summer where you can receive full meals for free for dressing up like a cow. Sometimes it's not worth the effort to get that many little ones dressed and out the door, but that much free deliciousness is hard to beat! The twins had a ball this year dressing up (seriously for the last time!!) in their baby cow costumes. If you remember they were already snug for obvious reasons last summer to squeeze into but they would have nothing of it when I mentioned let's try to dress up like a cow in a new way.We seriously had the best time enjoying breakfast as a family there (minus daddy of course!) and thought that would conclude our day until we had to get out to run an errand around lunchtime anyways and thought why not do lunch there as well at the other location! So that's precisely what we did and the girls enjoyed it just as much and loved giving the cow high fives, hugs, and kisses!
Truthfully, there is not another fast food place that even remotely compares to our experience at ChickFilA. It is worth every extra penny spent for what we receive in return there. And I can't see that changing for years to come...Thank you ChickFilA for a fun-filled day today but thank you even more for the principles you stand by and the difference you make in countless lives each day!

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