
Officially Getting Closer to Having 3 Year Old Twins-2 Year 9 Month Happenings!

Weight: Mak: ~28.5lbs; MG: 30.5lbs
Clothes: 2T
Shoes: Mak: size 6 ; MG: size 7
Teeth count: Mak: 16; MG: 16 still no 2 year old molars
Each month continues to bring more hilarious commentary from these two! And a few other milestones/memories from this past month (from 32-33mo)
-Ask to hold Ashton Kate all day long :)
-Mak scared of everything =( We remind her all day long that God protects us! She will shut every door wherever we are and has now begun to lock them too. She despises the dark and wants to "close" it off from her apparently!
-Name all their animals and babies (usually Ashton & Harper) but lately they are getting more creative in their naming!
-Play and talk to each other all day long-truly best best friends!
- With that comes them being very mischievous together! (we never know what we might stumble upon-stopping up bathroom sinks with TP/washing hands and feed in sink and adding hand soap to each other's hair/using 6 rolls of TP to make "blankets" for their doll house pieces and finding them wading in it just to name a few examples)
- Neither uses pronouns correctly....we hear a lot of  "Her is part of our family, her is crying, her is moving, her wants that"
-Other things we hear a lot of lately: "I'm busy right now, just a minute," "Can we can we?!?!" when asking to do something, go somewhere or eat something-hard to resists this cuteness! "I wanna go somewhere else when we're out and coming home" (MG), It’s “told” (cold-MG) & "Lets go do such and such okay mommy okay??....and "would that be ok? Ok thanks mommy" (Mak) & both will ask me regularly "What's your favorite thing!?" after I started asking them each night what their favorite thing we did today was...they definitely pick up on every little thing we say or do!
-Both will nurse their baby like mommy does!
-Favorite things to play-all things pretend-riding in a car, going to the grocery store, ordering in a drive through, having picnics, puppet shows, playing house with their babies-and they especially love using blankets for anything and everything and will get ALL of them out!
-Call their babies baby Ashton without the Kate
-Love playing in AKs car seat
-Want to have boo boos so they can get a band aid
-Want to know everyone's names and where they're going-very curious especially MG
-MG still cannot stand to not have things in order or if something is missing a piece it really bothers her-borderline OCD at times =)
-Moved into our new house this month and they love it! Talk about their new house and new room a lot =)
-Love playing with their cousins!
-they will tattle on each other but they also definitely look out for one another too!
-still love the “singing” movie and would watch it all day long if we let them…
-like having something in each section of their food plate at mealtime and will insist that each slot has something!
-Favorite foods these days: MG still LOVES all fruit and will devour it. Makenzie is obsessed with pancakes and I think would eat them every meal if we let her. She also loves bacon and will steal yours if you're not watching!
-MG has started talking in third person and will say Maddie Grace doesn't want to go night night or Maddie Grace is hungry. Cracks us up! 
-So the twins have changed things up on us lately and now Maddie Grace is our little talker. She will talk to random strangers and tell them all kinds of things and will also talk for Makenzie who has been very shy lately. With that has come some pretty hilarious things our of her mouth. (At the Christmas Eve family get together on daddy's side she opened up AK's present and saw there was a piggy bank-she tipped it upside down and asked "where's the money?!" and got quite a few laughs! Then with Aunt Kim & Uncle Nathan in Clayton, while mommy and daddy were unpacking boxes at the new house, MG said she wasn't wearing any pants, just had on her panties and then she pauses in all seriousness and says, "panties are my daddy's favorite!" Dear goodness, no idea where she comes up with these things! And one more good story was at Chrsitmastime she opened up her stocking and we said Maddie Grace what do you tell Mimi & Grandpa and she said, "I'm prob gonna want some more (referring to her candy in her mouth) She has kept us laughing a ton lately! She definitely has some good one-liners just like her daddy! =)

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