
Twins Turn 32 Months

Weight: Mak: ~27.6 lbs; MG: ~30.2lbs
Clothes: Mostly 2T
Shoes: Mak: size 5 ½-6 ; MG: size 6-7
Teeth count: Mak: 16; MG: 16 still waiting on molars

Besides being big sisters to their new little sister Ashton Kate, who they adore, here are some things that stand out this month! (from 31-32mo)
-MG’s new phrase for the month is “Remember When…” I’m telling you, this child says it all.day.long! She loves to recall songs she remembers, books she has read, things she has seen or heard on tv, places she has been, or things she has seen before. Anything she recognizes, she will draw our attention to with that phrase and we just love it! She has an unbelievable memory and can recall so many things that absolutely leave us stunned for her age!

-Both girls also got to experience their first (Nov. 9th) and second (Nov. 16th) rolling of Toomers Corner after the TN and GA games this month. To say they loved it would be an understatement! We even dragged along sweet Ashton Kate to be a part of the festivities! They laughed and laughed as they rolled around in it and ran around like wild girls! We loved seeing their excitement! Now they have quite some confusion as to why they can’t throw and shred TP at home J
-MG still loves all things Aubie and football related. She loves tailgating and seeing the band and cheerleaders at Tiger Walk or Pep Rallies. She will squeal with delight if she spots Aubie anywhere!!
-Makenzie has warmed up just a tad to the idea of Aubie and while she still dreads going to the tailgate to the see the “big” Aubie as she calls it, she does enjoy the real Aubie from a distance and definitely loves the cheerleaders and the band. She also loves to have mommy sing the fight song and shake her shaker wildly, esp during the hit em high, hit em low parts of the song! She’ll ask for that over and over again…
  -Maddie Grace is still our little negotiator and will try to talk you into just a little more than what the offer was…she’s fairly relentless and if she doesn’t get her way, she runs to the corner to throw her little tantrum…still a work in progress!
-Makenzie is still willing to forgo her desires (sometimes) and share anything and everything to make sure MG has what she needs to prevent meltdowns. She dislikes seeing MG upset and wants to make her happy and fix things. She will even interpret for MG when she doesn’t want to talk and tell mommy and daddy why her sissy is upset =)
-For the most part they have adjusted beautifully to life with a baby sister! Every now and then we still have total meltdowns when mommy can’t help with bedtime or carrying them up the stairs, etc. but all in all, they love her, are sweet with her, and will do anything to make her stop crying! (they immediately run to put her paci in!) They usually ask to hold her every day, if not multiple times a day.
-Also now that we have added a new baby to the family, they no longer feed their babies with a bottle but instead will “nurse” their babies and also “pump milk” for them too!
-Makenzie loves to play a little game with some reverse psychology-she dies laughing when you tell her Don’t you smile or Don’t you dare give sissy a hug and don’t you eat that piece of pancake off your plate…she immediately will do the opposite so needless to say for now, it’s a great way to get her to smile for pictures or eat her lunch =) Little does she know…but she will ask daily to “play that game mommy!”
-Maddie Grace still amazes us with her creativity and the way she thinks outside the box at such a young age. She will master a puzzle and then move on to making other shapes within a shape to make it more challenging or find different objects and manipulate them to create certain shapes…really the way her little mind works keeps us in astonishment at times! But along with this can come a lot of frustration on her end when she can’t things “just right” or we don’t give her enough time to put things exactly as she wants them!
-Some things they LOVE right now is…building forts with every blanket and pillow imaginable and also playing “go night night” with those items as well-they will tuck each other in and sing songs to each other as they lay next to each other on the floor…they also love playing pretend with their baby dolls and going to the grocery store, riding in their car, and anything else mommy shows them how to “play!” They are quite obsessed with playing with toilet paper, washing their hands, and climbing up on the counters (boo!). and watching any movie, but especially the kids sing along movie! They still love to be rocked anytime they can (love it!)
-Makenzie is still doing fantastic with being fully potty trained but MG has digressed quite a bit. She has accidents most days now but can still keep her bed dry and naps and bedtime so we are struggling to know how to handle her at the moment! She will tell you “it’s just water” when her panties are wet =) bless…
-Other funny things they say right now: don’t get me mommy, I play 5 more min…MG will say “I’m just playin”…when she does something she shouldn’t and is trying to make it right and will also say “It’s OTAY mommy…” and both girls are very aware when the other one is in trouble and they capitalize on it. They will ask mommy and daddy if we are happy with them knowing full well that we aren’t happy with the other one…little rascals! We’re thankful that they are saying no mam and yes mam much more consistently! And one last funny memory from right now is that they don’t use pronouncs correctly at all…such as “her needs her paci”
-Mak’s list of things she is scared of seems to keep on growing: started out with just Aubie…now we have the big bunny chair, flags that fly in the air, parts of movies that frighten her, and most recently Swiper from Dora. We never know what the latest thing is going to be…oh and she still is scared to get water in her eyes at bath time and screams every.single.time.
-Bedtime is still rather miserable for all parties involved…takes them forever to go to sleep even if we sit in the chair, they hate the door being shut, they will throw their pacis/bunnies out of the bed as a legitimate reason to climb out, they don’t mind spankings as long as that means they can get out of bed so needless to say, it can drag on for well over an hour with all their requests and disobedience =( we’re worn out when we leave their room at night!
-Maddie Grace has started biting her nails and I have no one to blame but mommy for this one =(
-And of course, they love spending time with their twin cousins!!

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