
Moving Back to the Plains...

The time has come to pack up the final boxes and furniture from 2115 Ross Park Avenue. Our home for the past five years. And to be honest, it's been a little bit strange to say goodbye in stages. With Kendall taking the new job right outside of Auburn, he left first to begin work. That left the girls and myself behind in Birmingham for 8 weeks. With first trimester sickness in full swing and two toddlers in tow, we spent a good portion of our time rotating between grandparents house to have a little extra help & support. The rest of our time was spent back in Birmingham, but without daddy! :( So with us being in and out of town and being semi-nomadic, we've said our goodbyes in waves, not sure when we would "officially" move. We are thrilled that the Lord has provided this job which will continue to allow me to stay home and raise our soon to be 3 little girls. However, there is obvious sadness about leaving anywhere, especially the city where we settled after just getting married, the city we found out we were pregnant with twins, and then of course bringing our two daughters home from the hospital and spending the first two years of their lives in our town home. So while we're really excited about what God has ahead for our family, it is so bittersweet to be leaving behind a church that has changed our hearts, perspectives, lives, and walk with the Lord forever, wonderful friends and small groups, and a neighborhood like no other. We trust the Lord has led us to Auburn and are confident in due time this will indeed feel like our new home. And let's be honest, if we were going to have to pack up our family and move, Auburn isn't too shabby of a place to settle down and raise a family. So back to the Plains we go...just this time as a family of four (almost five!) rather than two young college kids. Thank you Lord for your provision and for bringing us this far. Your faithfulness continues to amaze us on a daily basis...

This move has been done in multiple shifts...starting with Kendall leaving March 17th to begin his new job on the 18th and living with a friend for 8 weeks. Then the rest of the family joined him Memorial Day weekend as we got settled into our new apartment. This weekend marks the real end to this moving journey. We'll be leaving the girls behind with grandparents for one last weekend to get the last of our remaining things in the house packed up and stored in Auburn until we find our new & more permanent house. We hope to close on our house in Birmingham in about a week and close that chapter of our lives for now. Excited about this new adventure and what the Lord has for our family here in Auburn! Although between the two of us, leaving our home for the last time on Sunday, there were quite a few tears shed. So many memories wrapped up in a three-story townhome! Ones we will hold dear to us for years to come...

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you guys have sold your home in Bham! I am sure that Auburn will quickly become your new "home" in no time :)
