
25 Months-Can't Stop the Monthly Updates!

I'm not certain I will ever go back and read through these (although I have a few times on the newborn ones!) but just for the sake of documenting their lives, I find myself still recording new things they do! =)
Mak-26lbs; MG-29lbs; roughly 32inches tall (MG still a tad taller)
Diapers: both in size 4
Clothes: Mak- 18mo MG- 24mo/2T
Shoes: Mak: size 4; MG: size 5
Teeth count: Mak: 12 with 1 on the way; MG: 16 

What new things you girls have done this month!? (from 24-25mo)
-Talking up a storm! Communicating often very clearly what they want and will keep talking until you figure out what they are trying to say

-have begun putting colors in front of objects such as white cows, blue shoes, etc.
-they each had their potty moment: Mak went pee pee in potty on fri 4/12 and sat am 4/13; MG went poo poo in the potty on 4/21!! Still not attempting to potty train yet though!
-now have an opinion on what pjs to wear-prefer monkey pjs J
-no longer love watching Mickey or Word World-have moved onto enjoying Dora the Explorer
-enjoy sidewalk chalk outside!
-Makenzie will now ask Sissy to come play something with her-LOVE!!
-will request to go “home” now when we are in the car
-MG loves to run and hide whenever we are trying to leave the house and make mommy come find her
-Ask for Eskimo Kisses at night J
-one more one more is a pretty common phrase around our house these days
-they want to pull up a chair and watch their food cook in the toaster or microwave
-as soon as they hear the garbage truck, they will run to the window saying, “I hear it! I hear it!” as it pulls down our street and go over to watch it!
-into saying mommy silly, that’s silly-notice funny things now
-like hodling things all by themselves such as mommy’s drink
-have started taking off their diapers! L and clothes too!
-will now play independently together in their room-might look like a tornado when they are done, but they are in there and they are content!
-at the park, when going down the slide, will say “Daddy, catch YOU!”- just precious J
-now will communicate that they want us to play too by saying “mommy play cars” “papa play” “daddy Play”
-LOVE playing in our cars and garage-love to roam in the car from the front seats all the way to the trunk area!

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