
Labor Day Weekend in Ellijay

If you know anything about our family, or at least Kendall and I, you know we share an love extreme passion for traveling. Now that we have two babies in the mix, that makes it a little more challenging to get out and about and travel to the ends of the earth to say the least. However, we still manage to squeeze in as many road trips as possible and make as many family memories as our small budget will allow!!! =) So without further ado, here's where the Currie Family landed ourselves for Labor Day Weekend!

We made the trek to Ellijay, GA for a weekend of fun with some of our best friends from Birmingham! Between the two families, I don't think there was an inch of space left unpacked :) The house was perfectly chosen by my husband from no less than 1500 options-yes, that's my dear husband who has many talents! It was perfect and was a great set-up for the kids to explore, play in the pool, swing, attempt to knock over the gate to climb the stairs and endless opportunities to make big messes! We had a fabulous time with our sweet girls, enjoyed living life alongside friends, ate delicious food, and packed in as much fun as we could in our time there! 

Visiting the General Store, Hanging out on the porch, & BBQ Dinner at Poole's
Fun hike to a waterfall with both families!
Exploring nature + Picnic by the stream =)
The girls at the Petting Zoo! Loads of fun for them!! (esp for MG-our animal lover!)
The girls got to feed the ducks while we were there =)
Apple Picking at R & A Orchards-a first for the girls AND mommy!
Makenzie was really into picking the apples while Maddie Grace had no interest other than sampling them :)
Is it always a lot of work to get everything packed for a trip like this? You bet! Do we sometimes wonder if it's worth it? Every single time! Are we ALWAYS glad we embarked on these kind of adventures!? Without a doubt! We always return home SO thankful that we had the chance to getaway with our family and spend quality time together, hopefully adding to our long, long list of cherished memories with these two precious faces!

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of this part of Georgia but it looks beautiful! So fun y'all had that little getaway!!
