
Father's Day 2012

The girls and I had a blast trying to plan something that would "bless" their daddy on father's day! As the girls and I chatted, they came to the conclusion that they demand a lot from their daddy. No wait, that was their mommy that came to that conclusion! They are need machines. They want his undivided attention when he gets home from work. They are ready to eat as soon as they wake up on Saturday mornings. They are ready to be read to, played with, wrestled, hugged, and loved for every minute they are awake. They leave their amazing dad with little to no time for himself. And thankfully he is willing to give and give for the sake of his girls day in and day out. So this was our chance to give him the day off. Here's how it went: celebration began Saturday morning. Girls woke up. Mommy told Daddy to get showered and dressed to play golf. One of his best friends would be there to pick him up in an hour for a round of golf. Daddy plays golf. While daddy is gone, the girls create their masterpiece to give their daddy. Daddy returns home and is able to rest on the couch/hang out with friends/watch golf tournament for the afternoon. Then that night dear friends come over to grill out. The moms plan a fun cookout. We get the four kids in bed. We enjoy an evening outside with good fellowship and great burgers until the wee hours of the morning. Wee hours for us these days=midnight :) Daddy is re-charged and ready to jump back into his role of daddy! 

Thank you Kendall for being an incredible father to our girls. I have full confidence that our girls will see how much their Heavenly father loves them based on the deep affection that you, as their earthly father, shows them each and every day! We are more than blessed by your leadership in our home and the way you point us to Christ! We love you!!!!

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