
Grayson Mills Currie {6 Months Old}

6 Month Stats:
Weight: roughly 18lbs
Clothes: 6 month
Diapers: size 2
Precious One,
If I could freeze time with you I’d do it in a heartbeat! You are the perfect t little caboose to our family right now! Boy you brighten each and every day the minute we come get you out of your crib! Grayson, you are just the most darling thing we ever laid eyes on. You are rarely fussy, smile at anyone still, and go with the flow. You fit right in to this crazy crew we have and boy do they adore you. They fight to hold you and cry if they don’t get to tell you goodnight. We’re all equally smitten over you. =) You’ve started waking up at night again and I should do the right thing and  push through and make you cry a little more, but you just require so little during the day that it’s my chance to meet your every need and have a moment to hold you just a tad longer! You are a dream baby and everywhere we go people comment on how laid back you are and how chill you are. We are so thankful for that and for you sweet boy! I could never have imagined how much I’d love having a little boy in our lives, but you have surpassed all those dreams! I cannot wait to see all the many ways God uses your gifts and talents to further His kingdom. I can’t wait to tell you of His great love for you! I wish for anything we could make these next six months go way slower than the first six, but I’m afraid only the opposite will come to pass…SO we will treasure our days with you, even the nights you should be sleeping and know that it passes far too quickly. We will blink and you will be off running…that makes me excited and teary all at the same time! Every day with you is such a sweet reminder that God truly does give the VERY BEST GIFTS! We love you Grayson!!
Love, Mommy

Memories & Milestones: 5 Months Old-6 Months Old
-rolling both ways right at 6 months
-scooching backwards and moving around in a circle 
-reaching for everything and putting in your mouth
-can transfer toys back and forth to different hands
-you are reaching for toys that are out of your reach
-first boat ride 8/26/17 (just over 5mo)
-first walk in the double bob sitting up 8/28/17
-first night in his crib instead of rock n play 8/29/17
-first time in the nursery at CBS 8/30/17
-first ER visit-croup 9/18/17
-rolled from back to tummy in the crib 9/18/17
And just so we NEVER forget how chunky your little thighs were!! =)