
Our little Ashton Kate is 8 Months Already!

Weight: a little over 19lbs
Height: roughly 27 inches
Teeth: NONE
Clothes: 6 month and some 9 month
Diapers: Size 3
To our blue-eyed little girl,
My darlin’ little punkin, where have these 8 months gone!? They literally seem to be passing so quickly! You my dear are still an absolute delight! We could kiss your sweet cheeks all day long, if given the chance! The months are flying by way too fast and I feel like in the blink of an eye, we will be celebrating your first birthday! Boy do we praise God for your life! You are such a picture to us of God’s merciful grace to us. It has deepened my faith in Christ as we see how much He truly does care for His children. He knew exactly what we needed in a third baby and has given us such grace through you. You are still just the sweetest baby ever! We are enthralled by you and sing praises to our Creator over how thankful we are for you! You are growing and changing so much everyday it seems but the one thing this month that has just melted our hearts is the love you share with your two sisters. This month especially, the bond between you three has been so evident. Makes us so, so excited about the future with you three! If you are awake, your sisters want to be near you. They smother you with love, affection, playtime with you, and will jump around and act as silly as possibly just to bring a smile to your face or to hear you laugh! They want to be where you are. SO SO sweet! And now that you aren’t quite as fragile, they ask to hold you facing them and get all up in your face to admire you, read stories to you, shake toys for you, etc. You hung the moon in their eyes and they will usually do anything for you! You are their baby too! =) We hope and pray we love you well. That we take advantage of every opportunity to shepherd your precious heart to your Savior. He is all you need. He is more than enough for you. He has died for you and we pray you see how much you need Him to rescue you from yourself. We pray we model how much we need Him in our lives too! Ashton Kate, you are truly a gift from above and we love you from the bottom of our hearts!
Love, Mommy & Daddy
Milestones & Memories from 7-8 months:
-Still going strong nursing and pumping for you sweet girl! You are still a peculiar little thing in that you will only nurse in the rocking chair with the sound machine on and half asleep =) So if mommy can catch you asleep, we’re in luck and if you are wide awake we usually have to do a pumped bottle. (frustrating to mommy, but minor in the big scheme of things!)
-Your schedule these days is to nurse roughly at 5, 8, 11, 2, 5, 8 give or take and then for naps, you go down around 9:15ish and sleep from 1-1.5hrs. We usually skip the next nap to get out of the house so then you make up for it and sleep for usually 3+ hrs when you go down around 2:15ish! Sometimes we squeeze in a 30min nap later if need be, sometimes not! Even when you miss naps, you are generally still super pleasant thankfully! You definitely go with the flow of the family!
-Still no teeth yet!
-You ate your 1st squeeze pack of baby food at Newk’s on your dinner date with mommy on 6/5
-Then on 6/6 you got to ride in the shopping cart sitting up for the first time! You loved it!
-Mommy spent her first night away from you 6/6-6/8 (and 2nd night too!) and had some fun with her college roommates, but daddy had you and did great! 
-You tried out your 1st taste of puffs on 6/11 and pretty much were a fan immediately! You loved being able to put something in your mouth all by yourself!
-For as easy as you are, you can shed some tears when you see us leave the room, especially mommy. You don’t like to be left alone in a room, even though you’re totally fine playing independently if we’re nearby!
-On the flip side, you break into the biggest grin when you see someone you recognize coming for you and you almost lift your arms up as if to say pick me up! We love it!
-You ate your first diced up food on your tray on 6/19
-Speaking of food, what a fantastic eater you are! You are loving each and every new food we introduce which has made it a lot of fun feeding you! So far you’re not picky! You will open that mouth wide and lunge toward it if we don’t get it to you quickly enough. You also are really enjoying the whole feed yourself stage as well and have gotten pretty proficient as you approached your 8th month birthday of picking up food off your tray and it making it to your mouth!
-Favorite pastime lately is to pull on mommy’s hair and mommy’s face and ironically enough, mommy’s not a huge fan of it =)
-Biggest struggle lately is you are breaking out of your swaddle and yet you still love it and sleep best in it. We have started using the woombie at night with both arms out and during the day for naps we use the miracle blanket and swaddle you with one arm out. However, you still manage to bust out of the whole thing if you don’t fall asleep quickly, leaving you on your tummy squealing as you toss and turn in the crib!
-You’ve gotten picky about where you like to sleep-hands down your favorite place is your very own crib. That’s where you sleep best and really it’s almost the only place you sleep soundly!
-While we were out to dinner as a family on our mountain trip, you got to sit in a high chair for the first time and you seemed rather content! (6/26)
-You got to experience your 1st tractor ride in the Blue Ridge Mountains when we went blueberry picking on 6/28
-Things you love to do lately: pull out toys from a container, bang two objects together to make loud noises, scoot around on your tummy, use your pincer grasp to pick up puffs, babble up a storm, reach for ANYTHING within a mile radius of you, babble up a storm, kick one leg up in the stroller and look quite chill, grab your paci if it’s within your reach and put it back in your mouth, put EVERYTHING in your mouth, grab any tag, string, cord, etc. and reach down for things and come back up to the sitting position.

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