
Our Third Little Pea Pod is 6 Months! (AK)

6 Month Stats:
Weight: 17lbs 2 oz. (70%)
Height: 25 1/2 in (33%)
Clothes: 6 months
Teeth: None Yet
Dear Pumpkin Dumplin, Pea Pod, Sugar Pie, Little Munchkin, and the list goes on...=)
Half a year already!? My mommy hearts wants to cry at the thought of how fast you are growing up! If I could freeze time right now, I’d do it in a heartbeat! All of us continue to fall more in love with you with each passing day! Your amazing personality continues to truly amaze us…you are spunky and happy, but laid back and sweet as sugar-and to us we couldn’t create a more perfect combination! We can hardly believe that you are half a year old today! What a 6 months! Whew! J You have survived living with two twin sisters who run laps around you, try to make you laugh and aren’t always as careful as they should be! You’ve managed to make it out ok so far though! Oh but boy do they love you…you might always be referred to as “Baby Ashton Kate” as that is what they called you while you were in mommy’s tummy and it appears they will continue calling you that for a while…=) We are so thankful for you. We can’t imagine life in our family without you in it! We wondered for so long what it would be like to add a third girl to the mix and you have adjusted beautifully and truly we love you more than words can say! You are simply adorable in every way! Your heart is what we’re praying for, that you will soon see that you need a Savior, just like all of us, and that you will turn from your sin early and place your hope and faith in Jesus! We praise Him for 6 months of keeping you healthy, continuing to allow you to grow and develop and we sure don’t take that for granted. Each day with you is a gift. Each day you wake up makes us so eternally thankful! We love you Ashton Kate and we love your blossoming personality and thighs as well, ha! =) They are the cutest! Never doubt mommy and daddy’s love for you, but even more, never doubt your Creator’s affection for you! You were fashioned perfectly to bring honor and glory to the One who deserves all praise!
Love, Mommy & Daddy
Milestones & Memories from 5-6 months olds:
-Wearing size 2 diapers and size 6 month clothes at 5 & 6 months old 
-You go to bed around 8ish each night and wake up for an early morning feed (anywhere from 4:30-5:30ish and then you go right back to sleep until morning-mommy has to wake you up 99% of the time! Such a sweet treat!
-Still nursing but feeding you in rocker with lights off, sound machine on, and asleep =) Only high maintenance thing about you sweet girl!
-You grunt and do a huge giggle before eating if awake :)
-Super little napper! As long as you are swaddled in your own bed =) You rarely sleep anywhere else unless we’re in the car for a while!
-You started rubbing your eyes and scrunching your nose up when you are sleepy-mighty precious if I do say so myself!
-1st playtime in Exersaucer on 3/31 (right at 5mo) and you loved all the options of things to grab!
-Still a huge fan of your paci and you are still a pro at pulling it in and out
-Tummy time is by far your least enjoyable activity still unless propped up on a boppy with toys and constant entertainment!
-Such an easy, content baby, you will play for a LONG time independently but you still love when you get attention! If we come over to you or interact with you, you literally light up and break into a huge, huge grin!
-Speaking of grinning, you are such a smiley baby! You smile ALL the time and are generally happy all day long-such a sweet gift! People comment on your adorable smile every time we are out and about!
-Totally chill baby and so easy to take places-you just roll with just about anything!
-Love being outside and usually will happily sit in stroller for long periods of time
-You started trying to sit up in the bathtub right at 5.5mo
-One of your new favorite tricks is kicking your feet up and slamming them down-especially when we come in to get you in the morning!
-Appears that you recognize your name when we say it or at least enjoy hearing our voices say it because you will immediately turn and look at us!
-Started tripod sit at 5.5-5.75 mo (Easter wkd-4.18-4.20)
-Started grabbing feet on 4/22 and by 4/25, you were grabbing them ALL day long, any chance you could get!
-Trying to roll from back to stomach 4/22
-First sippy cup experience 4/25-drank some with mommy’s help but not quite ready to do it on your own yet! You just sat there with it dangled it in your mouth!
-First time in jumparoo on 4/27 and big sissy Makenzie would stand in front of you and jump and down and then you started copying her and loved it!
-Started solids on your 6 month birthday =) We gave you bananas and you loved them! Took you a minute to get the hang of it but by the next morning you were all about eating!
-Sitting up for several seconds on your own 5/1 and really well (as in 5-10min before face planting) on 5/10-progressed quickly from tripod to full sitting!
-Can hold your own bottle if it's the little medela ones-as soon as you see it you start reaching and grabbing for it and get super excited!
-You have started crying some if toys are taken away from you
-Will bounce up and down on legs in saucer or jumper and spin around
-You literally grab everything in sight and put it straight in your mouth
-Super ticklish and will belly laugh when we tickle under arms and on the inside of your juicy thighs =)
-Quickly shake your head back and forth while swaddling you while grinning incessantly :)
Life with you Miss Ashton Kate adds so much joy! You fill us up with happiness daily! Your preciousness makes us sings praises to God for your life!

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