
A-Day on the Plains

Well who knew in mid-April we would be bundled up and the girls would be wearing tights to an Easter Egg Hunt!? Especially when the weekend before, they were sweating in their little bubble outfits! Oh the life of living in the South! =) The real reason for all the festivities today was to enjoy A-Day but we threw in some Easter and Birthday celebrating as well to round out the day! Sure is fun to make a few extra memories with the little ones when we can! We loved having Mimi & Grandpa + the Atlanta cousins/Aunts & Uncles here for the day! We crammed in as much as could for the day and sprinkled in one nap for the babies!

We kicked off the morning by heading to Opelika for some Easter Egg-travaganza fun =) We rode on the train ride, snapped some pictures with the Easter Bunny, and let the kids participate in a city-wide egg hunt, complete with not very tasty candy, ha! But fun was had by all and the cousins were together! Win-Win!

After shoveling food in the toddlers, we switched gears and got them all decked out in their tiger attire! They do make pretty cute tigers/tigerettes if we do say so ourselves! Besides going as babies, this was the twins first football game experience and boy were they excited! They knew that daddy went to all the "ball games" this past fall so to get to go with him was a might big treat! Daddy thanks Aunt Sarah for sacrificing her own enjoyment for the sake of taking on the role of "tot watch!" He couldn't have done it without her help! We'll let you guess which one of the twins was a tad more wild to corral! =) But everyone was able to enjoy the game and even made it through most of it before calling it a day.

Aunt Sarah and Maddie Grace are big buddies!! =)
And to wrap a day full of fun, we did one last mini-birthday celebration with family for the twins. Even with a small crowd, these two were SO bashful when being sung Happy Birthday. You would think they didn't have a rambunctious wild bone in their body based on this response. But they livened up after the singing ceased and managed to eat their chocolate cupcake with no problem! 
SO thankful the rain held off for most of the day and we were all able to enjoy the day! Always chaotic with 5 little ones, but always memorable as well! Thankful for family to walk through life with! Now let's go get some much needed rest...=)

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