
Sweet AK is 5 Months Old!

Dearest Ashton Kate,
What did Mommy & Daddy do to deserve a little one as sweet as you!? The answer is nothing =) Not a thing! By God’s grace, he gave us you-our bubbly, smiley, sweet as sugar little girl! You are nothing but fun most days and are more than the perfect addition to our family. Our love for you runs so deep miss AK! You are such a treasure. Your sisters adore you just as much and love being around you if you’re awake, which by the way most of the time you are a rockstar napper during the day. As long as we stick to your somewhat of a schedule you are like clockwork and we are loving it! Such a predictable baby lately. We are so blessed by your sweet, easy going countenance and your daddy looks forward to getting home to you every night. We know you’ll have your days ahead but right now you are a breath of fresh air with your almost always pleasant disposition. SO content best describes you. And for that we are ever so grateful! You love when mommy and daddy sing worship songs to you or read you stories-really you just love any and all attention you can steal from us! We’re so fortunate that you can entertain yourself for long periods of time, something your sisters were never very good at! We love you so deeply little Ashton Kate and we love watching you grow and develop. Time is flying by way too fast so we are savoring every little milestone and new thing that God grants you the ability to do. Not a day goes by where we are not so thankful for you Ashton Kate Currie. Your smile, your kisses, your drool running down mommy’s face, your chunky little thighs-every inch of you is perfectly fashioned! You are one loved girl not only by your family but even more so by your Maker! We pray with great anticipation for the day where you will worship Him as Creator and Savior of your life!
Mommy & Daddy
Memories & Milestones from 4-5 months olds:
-You weight roughly 16 lbs I believe and are wearing mostly 3 and 3-6month clothes for the most part. You can wear some 6 month sleepers but your legs get lost in there =)
-Still doing 6 feedings a day-starting around 5am and going down around 8pm…you nurse well if you’re asleep and are hit or miss if you’re awake! You usually take a pumped bottle before bedtime so we know how much you’re taking in in hopes of sleeping longer!
-We took you to the library for your 1st baby story time on 3/4- not sure if it was worth the effort but mommy will do the same “library” things at home with you if we don’t get out and do it again!
-Slight sleep regression at 4/4.5mo-have to put paci in once or twice and also feed in the 4am range now
-You have officially entered the everything must go in the mouth stage (just past 4mo)
-Your hands are still your favorite these days-you play with them, knaw on them all day long
-Bathtime is still really fun for you and you will kick and splash up until the time we scoop you up to wrap you up!
-Uh-oh! You are getting loose in your swaddle (at 4mo1wk) which is not good because you LOVE being swaddled to sleep & if we try to leave you unswaddled no sleep takes place!
-1st night in your own room!! March 10th and you did great! No reason for waiting so long other than we were hoping to have you in one of the twins cribs but we still haven’t ordered their beds so we went and ahead and made the switch! Mommy & Daddy sleep so much better now that we’re not afraid of moving an inch and waking you up!
-You rolled from tummy to back 3/11
-New trick has been learned: you now can pull your paci in and out of your mouth
-You discovered your thumb on 3/19 and while you don’t suck it regularly when you do it is mighty adorable!
-So nice to let you start riding in stroller with no car seat-4mo 3 wks and you are SO content being outside in the stroller
-Had two of our best nights of sleep with you on 3/22-went 730-620 & 3/23- 830-610
-You stayed in first pres nursery for the first time on 3/23
-Made your 1st trip to the Montgomery Zoo with lots of church friends on 3/25 and did AMAZING! Couldn’t have asked for better! 
-Giggling and Laughing A LOT is part of our day now! March 8-4.5mo

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