
1st Visit to the Georgia Aquarium

We have been wanting to take the twins to the aquarium for quite some time and we realized time was quickly slipping by for them to still get in for free! =) We didn't want to miss that opportunity so we finally put it on the calendar and celebrated one part of their 3rd birthday a tad early! We met up with Aunt Mer and Connor & Harper and Mimi and Grandpa tagged along for the circus of an adventure too! We really had a ball and all the kids did fantastic! They seemed to really enjoy seeing all the animals and besides the show, it was a complete success. No major meltdowns, baby got fed, children had a blast, and the adults weren't too worn out to make the trek back to the car! Mommy had the privilege of missing all the "shows" to tend to the scaredy cat Makenzie =) We watched the dolphins just swim in their tank rather than watch the show. She was traumatized from the volume of the first performance that she was shaking and covering her ears before the 2nd one every began...not a good sign! Ha! When we recapped the fun adventure after returning back to Auburn, we asked the girls what their favorite part of the Aquarium was...Makenzie's response was, "NOT THE SHOWS..." =) Too funny! The penguins, "fishies" as they call them, and dolphins seemed to be the highlight! One day we'll take you back with us Ashton Kate when you're old enough to do something other than ride around in your car seat or be carried in the Ergo by Mommy! =0) So glad we finally checked this off the list! Now where to next?!?

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