
23 Months...About to Turn 2 Years Old!

Mak-24.4lbs; MG-27.8lbs
Diapers: Mak- finally in size 4!! MG- size 4
Clothes: Mak- both 12 & 18 mo; MG- 18 mo
Shoes: Mak: size 3/4; MG: size 4 ½ /5
Teeth count: Mak: 12; MG: 12 with 3 on the way
What new things you girls have done this month!? (from 22-23mo)
-I’ll quit recording words you each can say because now it has turned into whatever one says the other quickly copies/learns to say as well! So this month a few of the words we have heard quite a bit are: ouchie, unbuckle, bible, car, thank you, thanks, “let’s go,” one more, fix it, stuck, tights, “I got it,” see-ya, help me, "where he go," and both will repeat almost anything you ask them to say
-One of the funniest things you girls are obsessed with lately is watching the trash being picked up! As soon as you hear the truck, you make a beeline towards mommy and daddy’s window to be lifted up or if we are downstairs you run for the garage. You now have new friends who honk at you and wave every day when they collect the trash and you both wave back excitedly as you continue to be mesmerized by the process. It sure is the highlight of your day and you always say bye as they pull off of our street =)
-favorite thing to do these days is to dress/undress yourselves-you both LOVE it and want to put on everything ALL BY YOURSELVES =) In fact, we woke up to you both sitting in just your diapers on Feb. 4th just after turning 22 months-we knew the day was coming….
-really into playing hide and seek with mommy and daddy! This is a new thing this month and you both totally understand the concept and are all giggles as we come chasing after you or as you try to find mommy/daddy. In the past week, you have both learned the concept of being quiet and we are amazed that you won’t make a peep even when we call your names =) (esp MG!)
-love wrestling with one another still and can get quite rough for little girls-several injuries take place every time and then we call it quits for the night
-love being “rocked” like little babies and after we get you down at night, you both will point to rocker and say “rock, mommy, rock” until mommy agrees. What you both are really after is singing songs together =)
-You both love doing the motions to He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands and This Little Light of Mine and when it’s time to stop singing and go night night you both repeatedly say “one more,” “one more!” How can you resist so of course we sing one more and then you happily go to bed!
-you have discovered your love for dress up clothes after seeing your friend AnnaBelle’s extensive collection and love to play with them!
-Maddie Grace has a love for wearing her hat and mittens any chance she gets! She’ll ride all over town with them on if mommy will let her =)
-Both love playing with stickers & getting them in the mail from Nana is even more fun!
-you both are really playing pretend more with babies, food, kitchen and it’s just adorable! And hard to believe how much you two pick up one that are copying from us as parents!
-Can blow bubbles and love holding the wand yourselves
-hate to be dirty, both of you, and always want a wipe, a rag or something to make it all clean =) A tad OCD…wonder who you got that from? =)
-want to be so independent and do everything by yourselves-eating/drinking/getting dressed/getting buckled in high chair, etc and temper tantrums have begun when you don’t get your way
-every meal we hear the word “rag, rag!” frantically until you can get your dirty hands all clean and proceed to finish your meal
-hate having diaper changed now (esp MG) and will fight it tooth and nail
-LOVE LOVE climbing up in stroller, high chair, or wagon and buckling yourselves in and then saying “unbuckle” and “stuck” or your versions of those words until mommy comes to the rescue
-So motherly still =) and it’s precious to watch you continue to imitate everything mommy does with her own “babies.” You will rock, burp, say ssshhh, it’s ok, feed them, change their diapers, put on diaper rash cream, hold their criss-crossed feet up like mommy does, and so much more. It’s amazing to see you exhibit the motherly traits that God has placed within both of you!
-And how could I forget how much you love playing with play-dough and coloring with markers and crayons! Of course you might be more interested in putting the tops on the markers and the crayons in the box but it can buy mommy a few minutes to get something done!
-both of you girls are really into holding the whole bag when eating or the package it's in rather than being handed a couple snacks at at time
-LOVE cleaning, will wipe down things all day long with Clorox wipes if I'd let yall =)
-can drink from an open rimmed cup pretty well (esp MG!)
-still love bath time, but now request bubbles every time and love to have the water running throughout the duration of the bath =)
-both go up stairs very well and Makenzie can come down them as well, MG still needs help coming down
-Both can get shoes on, but Makenzie can put shoes and socks on very well by herself

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