
We've Made it to 21 Months!

We've officially survived/enjoyed/cherished another month of our girls lives! They are 21 months old today and still could not be more different from one another. It appears that they might have each acquired some of their mommy and daddy's qualities =) We'll let you guess who you think takes after who!

21 Month STATS:
Mak-23.4lbs & 30 3/4 in; MG-26.6lbs & 30 7/8 in
Diapers: Mak-About to make the switch to size 4; MG- size 4
Clothes: Mak- both 12 & 18 mo; MG- 18 mo
Shoes: Mak: size 4; MG: size 5
Teeth count: Mak: 10; MG: 11
What new things you girls have done this month!? (from 20-21mo)
-Words Maddie Grace can say: bye bye, uh-oh, Mommy, Daddy, nigh nigh, hi/hey, up, down, boom, boo, baby, ball, that (all day long!!!), whoa, bubbles, dog, yummy, baby, ohhh, no, me, what’s that, “right there,” eyes, ball, out, milk, more, book, rock, sissy, home, bubbles, Mimi, Nana, rag
-Words Makenzie can say: bye bye, uh-oh, mama, dada, nigh nigh, hi, up, down, boom, boo boo, baby, ball, that, whoa, bubbles, no, out, milk, more, book, rock, sissy, bubbles, Mimi, Nana, rag
-the first thing they say every morning when we come upstairs is “ON!”-they want their Christmas tree lights on J
-Both extremely SCARED of Santa this year….enjoyed waving/saying hi from a distance but if you tried to set them on his lap, they freaked out!
-favorite songs: The Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Wheels on the Bus, B-I-N-G-O, Old McDonald, Pat-A-Cake- they will sing E-I, E-I over and over again & MG will say B…I, B….I on repeat while the song is playing; they also will do the motions with me to several songs
-they run to the window to be picked up whenever they hear the trash truck coming
-love airplanes, birds, really anything they can gaze up into the sky and look at
-really enjoy being outside and will drag your hand to the door if they think that will entice you to take them outside J
-can now locate and point out animals (fridge magnets) by sound and not just by name
-now make connections between things they see in books and on tv to real life (for ex. Mickey ornament to the Mickey Mouse tv show)
-Ever since we brought the girls back a Mickey Mouse ornament from Disney they have a new love for the tv show and promptly request it each morning by saying on and going to get the mickey ornament J
-still LOVE LOVE reading books and snuggling up-they will usually stay put and read for as long as mommy is willing to keep reading (we’ve made it through quite a few before my voice gives way=); Mak enjoys mommy reading to her while MG sometimes prefers to curl up beside me but read to herself instead
-Makenzie is still our little monkey/climber-she will swing and climb on any and everything which scares mommy to death and we’ve had quite a few falls because of it
-Love bathtime a whole lot and especially love requesting a constant flow of water out of the faucet
-love giving hugs and kisses, esp Makenzie and she will give you a huge kiss on the lips and then one on each cheek before bedtime and throughout the day
-MG loves to tuck things under her chin if she can’t carry everything which cracks us up
-MG also has started cheering for herself (claps her hands and screams YAY!) whenever she does something she is proud of such as completing a puzzle, walking down the stairs, finishes a task
-Makenzie starts dancing and getting down, even if she’s in the bathtub or highchair when she hears music-HILARIOUS! Mg’s dance moves consist more of bouncing up and down on her knees and twirling around
-love light switches and anything they can turn on and off-have mastered turning on a lot of their toys by themselves
-they both say MMMMMM when they like something they are eating
-love pushing daddy’s nose because he makes all kinds of noises (honk honk, beep beep) and now they walk around the house grabbing their noses and saying beep beep
-still love going nuts in their cribs at night, bouncing incessantly, laughing uncontrollably and looking like they are nowhere close to falling asleep (yet they always do pretty quickly!)
-they immediately say bye-bye when they see Daddy because they are so used to him leaving to go to work in the morning-they haven’t quite grasped that he doesn’t always leave them J

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