Memories & Milestones: 16 Months Old-17 Months Old
-you are the biggest handful these days, but oh so precious!
-so thankful you are such a good sleeper and a great napper! You sleep from 7:30pm-7:30am give or take and then you take a 3 hour nap usually from 12-3pm each day!
-you are officially toddling/walking all over the place and you also do a lot of squatting down to play-love to see your ability to balance and come back up to a standing position without toppling over!
-also pretty proficient at climbing into chairs and turning your body around to face forward in the chair
-you love to be 'on the go' and we can barely keep up with you-you move from one thing to the next at rapid speed and we truly can't take our eyes off of you or you will be on top of the kitchen table, kitchen counter, computer chair/desk, up the stairs, train table, or bar stools-you love, love to climb!
-You also have officially entered the wreck havoc on everything stage-lots of time is spent following behind you cleaning up all the things you have pulled off a shelf, out of a drawer, or out of a basket-you make messes faster than we can clean up that's for sure!
-if you hear the word OUTSIDE, you make a beeline to the door to leave-truly your favorite place still. You love to take walks, be pushed in your riding car, blow bubbles, and play on your little slide/climber-you never ever want to come back inside!
-you love to wave at everyone you see and yell gye/dye which is your version of bye bye!
-just this month, you have decided that you are rather independent and don't need our help for things, ha! You especially like to feed yourself cereal and yogurt with a spoon ALL BY YOURSELF. =)
-speaking of meal time, we can't get the food on your tray fast enough for you-you are rather impatient until you are fed and have had your bottle! You also love to throw things over the side of your high chair and see the effect-all fun and games until it's spaghetti or a bowl full of cereal!
-still addicted to your paci and honestly we let you have it far more than we should because you are a fussy baby during the day! (don't worry, we won't let you go off to Kindergarten with it!)
-we love your little scrunched up nose smile you've mastered =)
-you give the best hugs and wrap your chubby little arms around our necks-can never get enough of those and your slobbery kisses are simply the best too!
-you aren't a big fan when mommy holds anyone besides you and you get rather jealous and cry/try to push your sisters off my lap
-you light up when your sisters come home from school or wake up in the morning-just so long as they don't steal your mommy, ha! You need reminding often that you are one of four children =)
-When we think of you at 17 months old here are some things that come to mind: you still are uber attached to your bottle and since you're the last baby, we'll let you have it a smidge longer. You are a creature of habit and want it warmed up, sound machine on, in the rocking chair, reclined in our arms, and lights off at night =) Still obsessed with dogs and go crazy when you spot one, have started copying and mimicking others (coughing or blowing your nose), still spend a lot of your days hanging and crying on mommy's legs, still not a fan of the nursery, car/train lover, and love the outdoors! We're pretty smitten over you and we're sure you know it! =)
-You had your 1st Bruster's vanilla ice cream cone this month 7/22/18
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