
Catching up...AK 20 & 21 Month Update!

Dear Rascal Pants,
Seriously there is nothing else we call you these days, so might as well include it in your letter to make it official. =) You are the cutest, yet biggest rascal of our girls yet! You spend a lot of your days squealing and making your tiny self known! You have a BIG personality and we knew it a few months ago, but you continue to ensure that we know it’s only grown with each passing day! Sometimes it’s so bold and loud, we burst into complete laughter because it is that embarrassing, especially in public. We love you though and are so thankful that despite your rascal-ish ways our love for you sweet girl remains the same. Quite the same picture of a Savior that loves us unconditionally despite our childish, sinful ways.  I hope you always know that truth deep down in your heart. There is nothing you can do to earn favor with Christ and there is nothing you can do to have that love taken from you. It is secure. It is safe. And we hope you feel the same way in the sweet family God has placed you in. We all love you to pieces! You make sure our days are never a tad bit boring or that we ever feel like we have this “parenting” thing down pat. =) And for helping us stay humble, we thank you little one! You are a joy and a delight to us and we love you so stinking much!
Love, Mama and Dada
Milestone and Memories from 19-21mo:
-Not much has changed in the eating and sleeping areas of your life! You are still a rockstar sleeper and make it so easy on us as parents to lay you down for naps and bedtime-you rarely make a peep! And honestly it’s hard to know when you’re awake because you just lay there and wait for us to come get you. Sometimes we wonder how long you would stay there because if it weren’t for the video monitor, we wouldn’t have a clue you were awake! Sweet, sweet baby when it comes to sleep! And as far as eating goes, you’re still pretty picky but we can still manage to get raspberries, blueberries, grapes, bananas, peaches, oranges, and strawberries in you for fruit. For veggies, NONE unless it’s a squeeze pouch. You still love yogurt cups or tubes, string cheese sticks, hummus on bread, applesauce, hot dogs, and a few other things. We rotate through those things pretty regularly. You still chow down on cereal, muffins, waffles with peanut butter and cereal bars. What you can’t stand these days is: most meats, veggies, and anything that has a weird texture to you. You will just stick your tongue out for us to scrape/wipe it clean and you won’t less us miss a single particle! Besides messy things like spaghetti, you are actually quite a neat eater-and like to have your tray clean. You're also really great at using a fork and spoon still!
-Each month I think you couldn’t get any louder, and then you do. YOU ARE LOUD Ashton Kate Currie! You scream a lot of the day, partially because your sisters steal things from you or pester you. But there are a lot of times you scream because you just think you’re about to lose the toy you’re holding or someone comes too close or you don’t want your diaper changed or you don’t want mommy to come get you to take you upstairs for naps. You get the point but you literally do scream ANYTIME something displeases you which is quite often. Now of course we still love you dearly, we’re just trying to figure out how to navigate the whole we’re out in public and you’re screaming your head off sobbing. It’s keeping us quite humbled as parents. =) And you have no problem yelling NO anywhere and everywhere! Let’s just say you didn’t earn the nickname “rascal pants” for no reason. You live up to your name 99% of the day! Praying the Lord fuels this passion into something purposeful and glorious! =)
-You talk all the time! It honestly amazes me most days to hear the new things you have picked up on and have used correctly in your speech. Also scary at the same time because you are definitely like a little parrot who repeats everything you hear =) Some new phrases this month are: sissy, there you go, here you go, yes mam, go too, bite, I go, I see, I sit, I help I....hot/cold, help, trash, ants, snacks, hold you, hold you, “assi” for paci and really anything “I…and then a verb” That’s what we hear most! You communicate exceedingly well it appears for your age! Seriously the cutest new words in your vocabulary are hearing you say “Addie Grace” “Tenzie” and Ashton Kate. You say those names often and adorably! And a few things right at 21 months, you yell “wait, wait” all the time and “hold hands.” And “go to, get in”, and “Aubie” are a few other newbies!
-A few more things that come to mind this month about you: you suddenly are addicted your paci and lovey and ask for it all day long every day. Oops =) When we ask you where your happy heart is you and to show us your smile you give us a huge cheesy grin and lift your chin up when you do it; You cry hysterically when mommy leaves you-like hysterically =( slightly heartbreaking but you are usually fine in no more than a minute! You can’t stand to leave the house without a bow or a clip in your hair. You stand at the door and say “bow, bow, clip, clip” and we’re thinking we can totally attribute this to you wanting to be just like your big sisters. Speaking of big sisters, you literally want to do exactly as they do. You don’t want to be left out for a single minute! And you think you are big enough to do everything they do. It’s precious and hard all at the same time!
-You love to plop down in front of the pantry and yell snack, snack! And speaking of snacks, when you eat a snack or really any food, you want to hold the whole bag or package or the whole banana. You cry buckets of tears if that is not the case! You also are pretty precious when jumping into the pool because you count one, two, three and then just head right in! Playing with your babies is still your thing and you definitely prefer the little babies over the big babies! You are quite motherly swaying your little hips and shushing your crying baby! =) Lastly, you are scared of a variety of things and it makes you literally tremble: the two biggest things being thunder and dogs. You start shaking terribly and when asked if you’re scared you say in the cutest way uh huh. Think that wraps up this month!
-Important dates this month: 6/3-1st trip to the Splash Park; 6/8-just past 19mo you officially started using sippy cups all day; 6/11-you started saying “Hold you, hold you” when you wanted to picked up-nothing makes your heart melt more than hearing this! 6/27-you attempted to dress yourself for the first time and put your pajama shorts on; 7/9-learned the word “mine” and just a few days later added me and me too to the list!

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