Weight/Height: not sure this month
Teeth: 4 top, 4 bottom and one top right molar coming in (ouch!)
Clothes: wearing 12 & 18 month
To our sweet little in the fam,
Goodness we love and adore you! So incredibly much! And
quite possibly it’s all this doting on that is making you become quite the high
maintenance, wanna be held and picked up and catered to little girl around our
house these days! You will realize it soon enough, but you don’t just have one
mommy around our house, but two other little girls think they are your mommy as
well. They watch your every move, remove you from dangerous places, love and
kiss on you often, and tote you around like a big baby doll! It’s rather adorable but
you scream to let them know you’re mighty uncomfortable! =) Daddy loves taking
you to run errands with him and cherishes his alone time with you-and you, well
you make a bee line for the door if you think he’s going somewhere…wonder where
you inherited a love for “going” from!? It truly doesn’t seem possible that you
are 16 months old already! It seems literally like yesterday you were making
your grand entrance into the world and here we are with a walking, talking
little girl in our lives! We feel like we were just at this stage with the
twins and now you have arrived here too. Boy are we trying to soak up every
ounce of each stage of the little years! It’s SO busy and we can’t take our
eyes off of you for one second or you are climbing on top of the sandbox lid, a
table, chair, or the stairs in an instant! But goodness our hearts are full each
day! We are so thankful for you little bit. You add so much joy (and work too, ha!) to our lives but we wouldn’t have it any other way! We love you, are praying
for your sweet heart to know Jesus, and pray for grace to love you and lead you
to the cross in the years ahead! Oh, and if you don’t mind, will you stay just
this cute and little forever!?
Milestone and Memories from 15-16mo:
-Nothing major has changed in your eating and sleeping
habits-for the most part you are wonderful in both areas and we are SO
grateful! You still sleep just about 12 hours each night. You are like clockwork
for us-we rarely hear a peep from you until morning! GRACE GRACE to us!
-You still love food and especially and kind of “snack.”
When you hear the words snack, milk, or bottle you come running signing please
frantically! =) You have mastered the art of using a fork and spoon pretty well
and honestly it’s not nearly as messy as I remember your big sisters being! You
are not the least bit thrilled with the idea of having your bottle taken away
and you cry so hard if you are handed a sippy cup instead….we’ll get there
sweet girl! It’s time though! You do enjoy drinking sips of water out of mommy’s
cup or a tiny little open rimmed cup-just not very interested in milk in a cup
-Well it’s more than official that you are practically
running you are trying to walk so fast. That toddling around stage lasted less
than a week before you became extremely stable and proficient! You literally
went from taking your first series of steps to a week later walking everywhere
you wanted to go and rarely falling! Simply crazy!
-Your favorite place in all the world to be is OUTSIDE…you
stand at the door and cry to go out. You have huge crocodile tears running down
your cheeks if someone goes out without you and then you throw huge fits when
we have to come inside. You love playing in the backyard and coming in and out
the door. Have begun to enjoy the sandbox a lot and playing on the climber toys
and little house back there too!
-Second favorite place in the world is with mommy. Period.
You love to be where mommy is and you cry A WHOLE LOT when left in the nursery,
when mommy leaves the room, if mommy runs upstairs to get something…you get the
idea! Hopefully just a stage like all things revolving around little ones.
Thankfully you do calm down in the nursery within a minute or two. You will run
to mommy with your arms in the air when I return and it melts mommy’s heart!
-Words you can say:
mama, dada, dog, bye, uh oh (2/4), thank you, amen, out (for outside) but I have
yet to ask you something or tell you
do something that you don’t seem to understand. That blows my mind to see the
level of understanding. You respond to all kinds of directions such as…let's go outside, put your socks on, bring mommy ____,
let’s go get in your high chair to eat, do you want your milk, let’s go bye-bye,
daddy's home, go get a book, let’s put your shoes on and go outside. And
most of all, you can adamantly shake your head no when you don’t want
something. Lovely =)
-Things you are doing these days: you love to read books and
will grab a book off your shelf and then back yourself into our lap and sign
please read book =) Adorable! You have started enjoying little art activities
involving scribbling with crayons or finger paints. You have no problem
climbing any and everything-bookshelves, little tables, onto the couch, the
picnic table, up and down the slide and stairs at the park, etc, and you are
awesome at walking up and down the stairs alternating feet while holding
someone’s hand. You LOVE playing with the kitchen in your sisters room and
anything involving baby dolls-you feed them, wrap them up, give them a bottle
& rock them…simply precious! You can often be found toting a purse or bag
on your shoulder or talking on a play phone. Seems like you enjoy working on
puzzles, putting shapes into correct spots, and playing with lids and
containers! You seem so lost if you are awake without your sisters-you will
look everywhere for them if they aren’t around and you go bananas squealing with excitement when they
wake up and come down the stairs or come home from a date with daddy! Pure joy
on your face! And the cutest thing we’ve enjoyed watching you learn this month
is the motions to the wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, if you’re happy and you know it, and a few other
nursery rhyme songs. So much fun!
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