
Squeezing in One More Trip to Destin!!

Ahhh...please take us back! We could not have asked for more perfect weather on our last trip to Destin for a while. Truly I was reminded that the beach CAN be enjoyable if it's not a thousand degrees outside. =) September beach trip is the way to go! We had the best time once again and enjoyed making more memories with the other side of the family. So fun to be able to experience different things with different sides of the family! No need to write much as the pictures will tell the story of all the joy we experienced! So here goes...

Night #1 we headed to Seaside to enjoy a low-key dinner with 5 littles under 3.5yrs old! We loved the many options from all the food trucks to choose from, all the littles were in pleasant moods, and we weren't trying to wrangle all the children to stay in their high chairs. Win, win, win!
After dinner, we promised some ice cream cones to some cute little girls! No one turned that down...
And this little cutie pie is just waiting to be big enough to enjoy it with the rest of them!
Still not sure if it was the ice cream that made all the girls wild or the fact that they were all together again, but either way pretty cute to see all five of them giggling and laughing as they crammed themselves into one pack n play for some fun!
Saturday morning we continued the tradition to always pick up some donuts from the Donut Hole. Delicious every single time and I think only a few sprinkles were lost in the eating of them..=)
We had planned to head straight to the beach after donuts, but the rain prevented that plan from happening. On to Plan B, make our way to the outlets in shifts! Most successful outlet trip for Mommy in a long time. But we were thankful when the rain cleared and we were able to get out on the beach. Absolutely perfect time of the day! Right before sunset and plenty warm enough but not too hot. SO.MUCH.FUN!!
The twins had an absolute ball jumping waves, building sand castles, and searching for seashells. No surprise but Makenzie preferred jumping waves more and Maddie Grace loved playing in the sand more.
Their daddy is quite skilled in the sandcastle building department. Thank goodness they're not dependent on mommy to create anything that is recognizable...=)
And of course we needed to capture a family shot of us with the twins! We missed our little Ashton Kate, but she was definitely having more fun back at the house with Nana & G-Dad than she would keeping the sand out of her mouth!
No words to describe the beauty of the sun setting while we chatted about God as Creator to our twin girlies. Thankful for such teachable moments to remind them what a good God we serve and how majestic His creation is. And the fact that He allows us to enjoy it...
Half of the Currie Clan had to head out Sunday afternoon so we made a trip to the pool with everyone after breakfast which both sets of twins loved! All happy campers is an added bonus these days for you definitely know it could change in a second! And Ashton Kate enjoyed her time in the water as well!
Playing on the beach at sunset was so much fun that we decided to forgo eating out just to get another night out on the beach before we had to head back to Auburn. This time we convinced Nana & G-Dad to tag along and help with Ashton Kate. Perfect scenario...all our kiddos together with a cool breeze, the sun setting, and the sounds of laughter and joy as they held on tight with every wave that came our way. And we even were able to let Ashton Kate get her toes in the water...
And this picture is simply a reminder of an early picture of the love of Christ for His children. We are simply to hold on tight and trust. SO thankful our girls have an amazing earthly example of THAT kind of love!
Seriously will go down as the highlights from this trip! And Ashton Kate was more than happy to sit contentedly with her snacks nearby!
So thankful our girls get to live life with two sets of grandparents as a huge part of their lives. Some of their best memories involve them and we feel so blessed that they love us and our girls enough to make so many sacrifices to enjoy life together!
We sure didn't want to leave the beach after a wonderful, long weekend but definitely will remember the JOY on our girls faces enjoying the ocean! One last block of time to enjoy the sand after a perfect, perfect weekend!
And from the looks of it, this one's ready for bed!
Until next time Destin...we'll just keep reminiscing on all the fun we had!

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